So I’m a woman (20F) who is extremely high-libido, honestly to the point where the amount of sex that I crave is just plain unrealistic. I crave sex pretty much everyday, and even if I get it I still want more! It’s starting to get to the point where my boyfriend (21M) is annoyed and I’m left feeling disappointed.

Last night for instance, I was already feeling ready to go as I basically always am, and then he walked through the door and I immediately skyrocketed into unbearably turned on. At first this was fun, he could tell I was super turned on, gave me some extended foreplay while we watched a movie, where I came several times, then we had sex, where I came several more times. And like, that should be enough for me right? But nope, it made me even more horny, and I spent the rest of the night feeling super turned on and desperate, even though we had already had super great sex where I came multiple times. I kept wanting to kiss him and crawl on-top of him and stuff, but he was just like “Omg, you’re relentless” Later I even tried sucking his dick for a bit, but I could tell he was just not into it, as he wasn’t being very vocal and kept turning his head to watch the show we had on.

It’s so stupid, I feel like I should able to be satisfied by having really good sex, and the fact that I still want more is just ridiculous. Last night was just an example, but this kind of thing happens all the time, where even though we’ve already had sex, I just still want more. It honestly gets in the way of spending time with my boyfriend. Like last night, I wish I could have just enjoyed cuddling and spending time with him, but instead I spent the whole time wishing we were having sex, even though we already had!

I love being a super high-libido person and really loving sex, but I just wish I could turn it off sometimes!

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  2. There’s nothing wrong with being super horny and wanting lots of sex, but you need to respect your partner’s boundaries.

    Maybe you need to spend more time doing solo sex? My wife and I have an awesome sex life, but there are times when she masturbates a lot on top of our partner sex, and there are times when I masturbate a lot. It’s a great way of managing mismatched libidos.

    A completely different angle to this though, is to simply focus more on other things, particularly things that don’t really vibe with sex as well. Both my wife and I have found that each of us sometimes becomes more horny and desiring of sex if we are a bit bored. Obviously, you can run with this and just have more sex. But…if one of you doesn’t want it, maybe you need to spend time cultivating some other interests, hobbies, or focuses.

    Social activities involving other people can be good because presumably you’re not going to have sex with other people present. You could either go out places, or have people over. Also you could delve into activities that are maybe less sexual, like video games or mentally-intense board games. Or other things like cooking, or making or building things, fixing things, working outdoors, going on walks, excercise or sports or physical games. Maybe if your boyfriend is watching TV, maybe actually focus on what he is watching and try to get engaged with it? Then find a new way to engage with him by talking about the show?

    So yeah, this is how I would approach this stuff.

  3. Find a guy who’s super muscular and gets lots of sunlight because that will mean high testosterone , which means he will have same libido

  4. I don’t get all these posts from girls saying their BF gets annoyed with how much they want sex. My wife has to tell me to leave her alone lol like if we haven’t been around each other a lot or haven’t had time to then get a day off together I try to have sex as much as possible.

  5. I’m going to go for a left-of-field answer and say FEWER orgasms.

    Play with some edging and try for fewer, more intense orgasms.

    You might be easily orgasmic, so try instead to hold it back, slow down if you can and go for as long as you can.

    I’m not a woman, nor am I dealing with this problem in the same way as I used to in my early 20s. But this is what worked for me at the time. No more little mini-orgasms. Slow it down, take your time and go for the really big ones.

    Especially if you solo play before he gets home to get to the point of crazy. Probably need to sext a little to give the poor guy warning though!

  6. Honestly, just masturbate (there are plenty of toys that may help you for that activity).

    You could also see a professional if you think this is needed.

  7. being horny is natural and normal, but if you want to reduce ur honryness stop mastrubaiting or see a sex therapist

  8. Birth control and some psychiatric medications can definitely lower libido, although I would’t really recommend taking that route to solve your problem

  9. Listen. My gf has a very high libido as do I. But sometimes I feel it’s harder for a guy to go more than a few times a day.

  10. I’m the same way and go through it every week with me gf.. we should literally be friends lol

  11. um op, I know this forum is about being sex positive but I genuinely think you might have a problem with hypersexuality, because while having a high libido is normal if it’s causing you to engage in or think about sex to a point of distress or impairment it might be a problem. I’m not a doctor though only a medical student so get this checked out with a professional.

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