I’m in a very difficult/transitory (moving around a lot) part of my late 20s. I’m educated, good looking, athletic and driven, but I don’t have any money or resources. Mostly due to the career change. What should I expect? If I turn things around financially in my 30s will I be good to go? Or is my focus in the wrong place?

  1. I’ll tell ya, I’m constantly grateful that my wife and I got together when we were both broke. Because we could love each other then, everything else is just gravy.

  2. It happens when it happens. My husband and I met when I was 35, him 30. We are nowhere near well off, sometimes we like to dance with paycheck to paycheck crap, but we celebrate 16 years this December. So something is working.

  3. It happens when it happens. I feel like you meet your person when you’re supposed to, not when you plan to. I met my husband when we were teenagers, got married at 24! We struggled together, we’ve been successful together, we’ve done it all.

  4. I was unemployed when I met my wife and lived in a house share. That was 19 years ago.

    I don’t understand why people feel they have to have financial security before getting into relationships. Living an interesting life makes someone more attractive.

  5. I’m not sure if my wife and I count for this question. We were married at 23. Divorce by 25. Reconnected at 32 and remarried at 33.

  6. Meet my wife when I was 26. I’m 38 now. Our combined pay at the time was less than what each of us make now. So we about 3x’ed our income. It gets better, it just takes time and persistence. Working on paying off our home and saving for retirement now.

  7. That’s usually when it happens – during changes in life. Go to a new place, start a new job, meet new people. I met my wife at 37 shortly after moving 500 miles for a new job (she was a co-worker). We’re coming up on 13yrs together.

  8. I met my husband 2 months before my 30th birthday. The timing wasn’t…ideal, but I don’t regret it since I was executing my plan of leaving my abusive ex-husband and filing for divorce at the time. My new husband didn’t know about any of this until *after* I moved out and separated from my ex 2 weeks after my 30th. He didn’t even know my marriage was in the shitter because I didn’t tell anyone about what I was doing since I was handling it on my own.

    My parents were the first to know since I called them to help me pack and move my stuff out after my ex-husband’s latest and last meltdown he ever had in front of me.

    I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and my only wish was to have known my new husband when we were in our 20s. But I love him regardless and we’re only 9 months apart in age anyway. We’re happy, in love and debt free together. ❤️

    We just got married this past September!

  9. I met my wife when I was 33, she was 28. We met at work. Been happily married for 23 years now.

  10. I (41M) was 31 when I met my wife. I was definitely not in as graceful a financial situation as I am now.

    I think you’ll be alright.

  11. Not married until May, but we met when I was about to turn 32 and she was about to turn 28.

  12. I moved to a new city when I was 29-almost-30 and met a man within two weeks of moving into my new place. He was 34. We started dating right away and got married when I was 33 and he was 38.

  13. Depends on your career and the growth potential in it. I met my wife when we we were broke as Hell. But her degree was a guarantee no money and not a lot of stability. She is in a very different career now that requires going back to school and us working together built a much better life. Being “broke” is not a romance killer. Being a pain in the ass, entitled, inflexible, difficult to talk to trash human is.

  14. My wife and I met in our early 30s. Neither of us have much money as we were both going back to (different) schools.

  15. My wife and I met in our 30’s. Both of us were career professionals who spent our 20’s in grad school, then building nascent careers. Also, each of us had a multi-year relationship in our 20’s.

    Just celebrated 28 years married. Both kids now out of college. Planning for retirement.

  16. My husband and I met when he was 35 and I just turned 32. We really knew ourselves which helped us become excellent partners to each other and build a strong foundation. We were secure in our values and knew what we wanted in life. Money didn’t matter, it was more about us knowing ourselves so we could truly get to know each other.

    Moving around a lot can make it hard to find someone but think of all the awesome life experience you’re gaining. You’re going to learn a lot about yourself and that will make you more able to be a good partner.

  17. I met my husband at 31. He was 21 at the time. We went on ONE DATE because I felt weird about it and said come find me in a few years. AND HE DID. We married when he was 27 I was 37, and now we have a toddler.

  18. We technically met at 15. However we didn’t date and weren’t really friends. We started dating at 31. I’m honestly glad we found each other again at that point. We were both ready, had worked through a lot on our own, had finished our education and had established careers.

  19. Met my husband when I was 30 and he was 31. It’s easy to say it looking back, but I am so glad I had all of my 20s to figure out myself and my career. We were married a year ago and are now expecting our first kid. sometimes I can’t believe it all worked out like this when I was convinced in my mid-late 20s that I would never find anyone.

  20. I met my spouse a few months before I turned 31. My husband was 36. We have been married for 10 years.

  21. My 30s were my best dating years and I met my wife at age 35. That said I was very established in my career.

  22. We met when we were 32 and 43. He proposed after a little over a year and we were married 6 months later. Now we have been married 7 years.

    When you’re older, things can move faster.

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