Basically the title. I see people my age (25M) starting to have kids and I’m curious if most people think if that’s too early. I think my ideal is 30-32 but I was wondering what people’s opinions are here.

  1. 25 is the correct age. You’ll be young enough to play with your kids.

  2. My friends had them early, I had them late. Both have their benefits. I was more prepared. I was an idiot when I was younger. Still am but not as much now.

  3. 25 is fine. I mean at 25 some people have finished a degree/training and are in a stable job, so starting a fam shouldn’t be a problem.

    I was 30 and that was fine, too.

  4. I had mine mid 30’s and most mums I know are having their firsts in their 30’s-40s I wish I had mine younger so I could have more kids then the 1 I have now but so many I know that waited for 30’s 40s are better equipped financially they don’t have the stress the younger mums I know do.
    It really depends where you’re at and how you’re comfortable.

  5. For men I’d say 30 is the minimum age I’d recommend. I’m planning on having kids around 33 – 40

  6. I started around 30. It was right for my wife and me.

    There are arguments for both sides though. If you’re secure in your career, job and life at 20 and have no big bucket list items you can or want to achieve before having kids then there’s no reason you can’t begin then if you want. Although many people are still quite early in their adult lives and still working out how to navigate life without their parents.

    By 30 most people are pretty well established in their careers, have retrained if they didn’t take to their first career choice, might have bought a home after saving the deposit and are more likely to have retired parents who can better assist new parents. But if you were planning more than 2 kids you might start to worry how close to 40 you’re getting, particularly as certain birth defects or conditions are more likely closer to 40, together with general pregnancy complications. There’s also the issue that you’ll be 40 when your youngest child is 10 and 50 as they hit 20. A lot of people don’t like the idea of being so old when their children might be very active.

    25 can be the common compromise. Enough time to have graduated from a university course or finished an apprenticeship and had a couple of years to experience the world, secure your career and build some savings.

  7. Whenever you are ready financially. I was 28 and my wife was 29 when we had our daughter. Mentally I knew I was ready but equally it was a massive struggle as they completely change your life.

    Understand that while having kids can and likely will bring you so much joy and happiness, they can destroy your relationship/marriage – it’s not their fault, they don’t mean to, but they require a hell of a lot of time and responsibility.

  8. My kid was born when I was 28 and the only thing I regret is not having him when I was younger

  9. I’m a teacher. In my opinion, the most prepared parents have them around 33-40.

  10. Not too long after 30. But only if you’re in a secure relationship. And have solid financials.

  11. I’d like to say late 20s to early 30s. More people have gotten a chance to gain maturity, grow and live their lives by then. Obviously there’s exceptions so those people should probably wait longer.

  12. There’s a saying. The best time to start something is 10 years ago. The second best time is right now.

    You’ll never be ready. You could always be more prepared. The stuff that makes you a good parent aren’t things you learn or develop before you have kids. It’s stuff you learn along the way.

  13. For a woman, it’s in her early 20s. Doesn’t really matter for a man, but if you want to play football with the kids, you’ll want to have some before you get too old.

  14. When you’re ready for them, physically, mentally, and financially. For me that was 21, for most people it’s later than that.

  15. I’m nearing 30 and it looks like 40ish will be thr right age for me.

  16. Your never going to be ready… I had mine when I was 19…. I’d say I’m happier then all my friends who are in their late 20s with no kids, just going through life aimlessly … partying and spending money on foolishness lol… people keep talking about the financial aspect…. Well if we have CTB and a full time job… you’ll be okay… if you have 3 kids and a full time… your basically on 2 full time incomes 😂 it’s a BLESSING to live in Canada.

  17. Everyone talking about finances but I say it’s more be old enough to know your relationship with your mate is stable and truly permanent. The problems I see occur in young parents is never “we can’t afford this” and always that they found out they don’t want to stay with their mate for life and split up. Raising a kid in a split family is rough.

    I say wait about 3 to 5 years into a stable relationship. By then any hidden problems should have emerged.

  18. There is no ideal age.

    30. 32. 35. Life doesnt go to plan. Just be prepared for not be able to have kids at 30-32 for whatever reason. Doesnt mean you cant have them later than that.

  19. Don’t wait too long. You don’t want the kids draining your retirement accounts in your 60’s and they will.

    Anytime between 25-35 for a man is good. For a women I would say 20-30. It starts getting difficult to conceive after 30.

  20. As early as possible to get it out of the way if you’re going to do it. The best bit is 25+ years down the line

  21. When you can afford it to be honest, forget about “being mature enough” that for fruits. We all are children with responsibility so don’t worry about that, the important thing is having the ability to provide for your children and give them the opportunity to do what they want.

  22. Between 18 and 35.

    Over 35 and I feel you’d end up too old to work through getting your kid to 18.

    Below 18… well that’s kind of self explanatory unless you live somehwere with a lower age of consent.

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