I have been dating my boyfriend for one year.

We get along very well, rarely argue, have fun together, and we both have open minded, even tempered personalities.

I love him very much and see my future with him.

When we first met, we met through co-workers. We realized that we worked together just had never seen each other because I was on night shift and him on days. We work in healthcare.

Not too long after meeting I was able to transfer to dayshift and I would see him at work often! It was fun and we respected each other at work professionally. We were like this for about 8 months.

However I was not happy with my job there and I had other dreams and aspirations. My job basically did not fully align with the goals I had for the future and I wanted to explore my career in another area/floor/specialty. I am 25 for reference.

As much I LOVED to work near my boyfriend.. I didn’t feel that I wanted to work in that area forever. I wanted to explore and like i said achieve other dreams.

So after much effort, tears, and prayers I accepted a new position that I was really excited about. It’s in the same city just a different hospital and it will be for a night shift position unfortunately. I accepted this job and my BF was 100% supportive of my decision! He was happy for me and we communicated about how we would make things work once I become night shift again.

I know that for now I have his support. We have plans on moving in together within the next month or so so that calms me as well. I’m excited about this.

But that doesn’t mean I am not worried for our future and relationship. I have been at the new job now for 2 months and it has been harder than expected… and I was used to seeing my bf and catching lunch with him everyday. It’s also been hard for me to make friends and that saddens me a lot. I am naturally introverted and shy.

I worry that my boyfriend will meet another person at our old job who was similar interests to him and schedules. I trust him, but it’s a worry I have. I worry we will see eachother less and we will have less in common too. I work now in a pediatric population which is very different than our old area of work.

I have been pretty anxious about it and need advice!

How can I be more positive? Have any of you guys been through similar situations? We will also be on opposite schedules soon with me on nights and I’m worried about it.

I need advice.. i hope I made a GOOD decision in going for my career goals. I did not want to live with regret of not choosing a job over a relationship.

TLDR: choose a job that may affect my relationship and I’m worried

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