Soooo, recently I came in contact with someone who made me aware, that they don’t enjoy receiving oral sex. It was quite, odd, and immediately raised questions in my head. I ended up sharing this information with a few of my fiends, and they stated it’s possible he could have something. One day during a visit to his house, I went through his medicine cabinet, and to my surprise there was a bottle of valacyclovir. I have a friend with HSV 2, so it didn’t take me long to figure out what the prescription was for. After obtaining all of this info, I still decided to have sex with him, because I didn’t feel anything alarming down below, and we used a condom. With all of this being said, I kind of want to continue having sex with him, but the fact that he hasn’t said anything makes me feel unsure. I know I sound crazy, but what is your take on this?

  1. Why didn’t you mention it to him? You could have said it is ok for you but you need to be sure you are safe. It might be him being worried about scaring you but still… this kind of things must be said before having sex… for safety reasons

  2. Valacyclovir can also be used for cold sores! I have this prescription in my cabinet just incase I feel a cold sore on my mouth coming on.

    You should definitely talk to him, communication around sexual health is so important for all parties

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