A couple months ago I met with this girl from Bumble and we really hit it off. We get along great. The only thing is she said she has commitment issues and isn’t looking for a relationship, she hates relationships, at the time I wasn’t looking for one either, I’m still not really. But as time went on feelings developed for both of us. She said I’m the only person she’s been with who actually has taken the time to get to know her. We like each other but she told me that the only way she can feel like this isn’t a relationship is if she keeps her options open in terms of hookups. I on the other hand like her too much to want to be with anyone else.

This hurts me a lot and she recently told me that she was heavy flirting with intention with a guy while she was on vacation, which really made me sad.

I don’t really know what to do. I’m genuinely crazy about her and she knows this. I know she really likes me she’s just scared of commiting to anything. I don’t want to lose her and I really don’t want to get hurt.

TLDR: My “FwB” has commitment issues despite us having strong feelings for each other and communicating that. She wants to keep her options open sexually and that really hurts me. I don’t want to lose her, what do I do?

1 comment
  1. Even though she knows you’re into her, she’s stated she hates relationships and has told you she’s talking with other people. It’s clear she has no interest turning this FwB into anything more, so the best thing you can do is move on, the quicker the better.

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