I’ve met men who don’t mind it and others who can’t stand it. Which stance do you take and why? Do you like to do the shopping yourself or do you prefer it to be done by someone else? Do you prefer in-store, pickup, delivery?

Bonus: Does anyone have any weird, funny, or memorable grocery experiences that affected your view on this errand? 🙃

Edit: I was honestly not expecting that grocery shopping itself is not as hated as I thought!

  1. I like doing it, but always want to be alone if it’s a large shopping run. Got this from my ex wife that would take FOREVER shopping. We could be in the store for 90 minutes for 15 things. I would be out in 10 when doing it alone.

  2. I do the grocery shopping for me and my gf and I prefer to do the shopping myself. Every time I go I know what I want and I’m out of there in 10 – 20 min (depending on the line up). When I’m there I also have my ear phones in and i’m listening to some really good beats while off in imagination land.

    When I’m with my gf and we’re shopping it usually takes much longer than 10 – 20 min and she hates it when I have my ear phones in so it’s usually like 30 – 45 min shopping in complete silence while she figures out what she needs.

    edit to add: I’ve also noted that my gf has a tendency of picking up things she didn’t want to begin with and I usually end up paying in the end (which I also don’t like).

  3. I do delivery for pantry staples and shop in store for produce and anything refrigerated/frozen.

    Not a big fan, I’d do delivery for everything but you can’t really rely on them to keep stuff cool during the summer.

  4. If I do the shopping, it’s done quickly, things are purchased on sale, and I know it’s done right. And if it’s done wrong, I know who to blame – me.

    Also I can get myself a little secret snack no one else has to know about.

    I also don’t do any sort of delivery. Grocery’s between home and work, no sense paying extra for something I’m passing anyway, and gives me a chance to get out of Work Mode and in to Home Mode a little more gracefully.

  5. I don’t mind doing it by myself but at Uni, I’d always do it with a friend because then we have something to talk about instead of it just being us alone. That’s kinda fun as well.

  6. I love grocery shopping alone. Grocery shopping with my SO should have been one of Dante’s seven rings of hell.

  7. I’m single, so it’s not like there’s a choice, really, but I was always happy to do it when i was partnered.

    I’ve occasionally done delivery or pickup but generally find it more hassle than it’s worth, honestly.

  8. I began doing the grocery shopping when my wife was working for her family members’ business an hour from home. We use the OurGroceries app and everyone adds what they need to the list. I take a glance in the fridge and pantry every few days and then I look at the items that are on the recently purchased list for what needs to be replenished.

    I had the layout of the primary store fairly well memorized and could do the whole shopping visit in under a half hour until they did a complete reset. Now I can’t get used to bread and peanut butter being on the same aisle so it’s taking a bit longer. I have a second store that I hit for about 25 regular items (mostly meats) and that visit takes about 15 minutes.

    I do not want anyone with me when I shop. I’m not there to browse and I don’t need to comparison shop because I know what is the best value.

  9. I hate it now. I love food and cooking, but everything is too fucking expensive.

    I bought ingredients for fucking *tuna salad* the other day and it came out to ~$20. I left so angry.

    It feels like you’re being ripped off and you can’t do anything about it other than starve.

  10. I don’t mind grocery shopping as long as the store is not packed. If the store is busy then I just get stressed out and anxious.

  11. I very much enjoy doing my grocery shopping. I don’t keep ready to eat food in the house. so I basically go to the grocery store every day to get what I need for that day. If I’m going to be cooking, I love gathering all the ingredients.

  12. I hate it. I make a list, go in, get the list items, and leave. Done as fast as possible. Absolutely prefer to be alone, but that rarely happens.

  13. I don’t mind it. it usually takes 10 minutes max after work. I always try to avoid the store on Saturdays, though. I live alone so no matter what my preferences are, I have to do it myself

  14. I don’t mind it most of the time.

    I know what I want, generally know where it is. I can be in and out in less than 30 minutes.

    The other shoppers that are moving around in a daze and not observing aisle courtesy make it unbearable sometimes

  15. Shopping is a chore. The faster it’s over, the better. I have staples delivered and only shop for fresh food.

  16. How would grocery shopping be gendered? I shop when I cook, which is often because I do it for a living. My wife shops when she cooks. When we need things it depends on schedule.

    We avoid most services where people shop for us because they tend to be lazy about brand and quality. I’m half convinced that curbside pickup shoppers are told to grab bad produce to move it.

  17. I dont like it. Grocery stores are filled with spatially unaware people who block entire aisles for no reason. Its very obnoxious.

    I actually yelled at someone in a grocery store recently. He was being checked out by a cashier and his cart was blocking the lane to the self check out. I said “excuse me, I cant get by.” He moved his cart maybe two inches, still blocking the aisle. I said again “Excuse me, I still cant get by.” He just stared dead into my eyes and didnt move his cart. So I pushed his cart of the way and said “MOVE YOUR CART! JESUS CHRIST!”

  18. I hate grocery shopping in person since moving to the Midwest and have been doing curbside pickup religiously. I do shop in-person at Sam’s Club but not weekly grocery shopping.

    Too many people like to walk up to me and talk to me. I don’t fucking understand why. Some friends here used to think I was exaggerating until they witness random people walking up to me to talk about random things.

    Here are some examples just from the past year: An older guy talked about smoking meat and followed me around the grocery store talking about it. An older lady tried to teach me how to make pie crust when she saw me picking up some ready-made pie crust. A random lady tried to give me a lecture about different types of milk and milk substitutes. A guy at a coffee shop came and sat at my table and started talking to me about hunting while I was reading a book with headphones on. I was at a music festival once and a random dude just walked up to me and started talking about making walking sticks from a tree he had cut down. I get a lot of these type of random conversations that last way too long at grocery store.

    Edit: The two running theories are that I look friendly and approachable (which I disagree) and I’m an Asian in the smaller Midwest city.

  19. I hate it that’s why I do it online and just park at the store and have them loaded it into the car.

  20. I work remotely and stare at screens for a living. I like doing things in the physical world like getting groceries. I also enjoy cooking and am a bit particular about certain ingredients so I like getting in there to see what’s good.

  21. It’s fine.

    I like to go by myself after the kids are in bed.

    I keep a list of “can’t forget” stuff but I’m winging it for the rest.

  22. I almost never grocery shopped before Covid. My wife had some risk factors so I became the family shopper. I still do 80% of the grocery shopping now. I have two rules :

    1. I have to have a specific list written, on a scrap of paper list. If it is one or two items a text is acceptable.
    2. I need to know about the list in advance so I can plan the shopping trip when it is a low traffic period, both on the road and in the store.

    Shopping isn’t even a chore for me anymore. I often get exotic things I want to try that my wife would never think of. Shopping can be decent girl watching too. Nothing creepy, but still…

  23. I don’t mind it. I change things up by shopping at different stores from time to time when monotony is really settling in. Or/and I will buy different food types or try something I have never eaten before.

    However, I should say that I only need to shop for myself. I think my attitude would be radically different if I had to compromise and shop around with someone.

  24. I fucking love grocery shopping. I do all the groceries in my home. My wife doesnt know how to pick out good produce or good cuts of meat. Also, I enjoy people watching, and people at grocery stores are fucking hilarious. It’s like I get a free show while I pick up some chicken, beef, dairy, and produce.

  25. My wife does many of the things we need done around the house, and she’s a decent cook, but I am much more proficient around the kitchen and am able to meal plan and shop accordingly. My grocery store time is my time, I try new recipes and new ingredients, etc, and honestly I’m just a much better cook than she is. I grew up in a house with 6 siblings and we all pitched in cooking growing up, and I love cooking with my kids now and teaching them my moms recipes (she passed many years ago) as it brings me a lot of joy. Considering all she does around the house it just seems fair for me to take care of shopping and meals.

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