Hi everyone,

So, my girlfriend and I have been together for more than a year now, and I have a problem about our sexlife.

When it comes to intercourse, there’s no problem. We both yearn for it, and we both take pleasure in it. We’re kinda on the same page there.

However, that’s different when it comes to oral sex.
I give her cunnilingus quite frequently, since I like seeing her taking pleasure by what I’m doing with my mouth, but she never spontaneously gives me oral sex.
In fact, she rarely does it, and the few times she does, it’s after I gave her oral because she feels kinda guilty to not “reciprocate the gesture”.
We talked about it and she told me that she actually doesn’t specifically like doing that, and she doesn’t want to force herself, which I respect of course. She’s not disgusted, she just doesn’t enjoy it.

However I’m kinda frustrated about this because I really like receiving oral, especially on unexpected moments, but seeing how she doesn’t really like giving it, I’m at a loss.
Even worse, deep in me, I feel like this situation is kinda unfair, since I’m giving way more than I receive. I’m afraid that in the long-term, this will tarnish my relationship with her because I won’t feel plenty satisfied with our sexlife.
For example, for the last two weeks we couldn’t have sex (intercourse, cause of a medical need) but still could do other things. I gave her pleasure with my mouth and hands multiple times in the meantime and she was quite happy about it, but she didn’t do it once for me in 10 days.

I feel lost considering that matter, what would be your advices ?

Thanks !

  1. Hmmm. I think I would try to drop the ‘unfair’ bit as this will only bring about ill feeling as you’ve suggested. Try to work out ways on which you can communicate how important it is to you (if it is important enough to talk about, which it sounds like it is) and see if that helps. I find a 69 generates a lot of enthusiasm so may be something to explore. Good fortune!

  2. This sounds bad but I give the best blowjobs after I’ve taken one shot of alcohol lmao, sober I’m not the biggest fan of them but I can also hype myself up to do it. of course don’t make her drink or anything, but maybe you can propose the idea of you guys having a night together where you drink and have fun with each other. It really does help lowering inhibitions 😆 I think after I did my first “enthusiastic” blowjob is when I started wanting to do them more, seeing his surprised reaction and moans. Make sure you make it known you’re loving it

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