I (22M) met a guy (19M), we were friends for a little bit and I confessed my feelings to him. He said it’s too soon so wait a couple years (I know, definitely not great) so I blocked him, moving on. After a month or so we reconnected and he was really good to me, so I figured we should be friends. As it went on it lost steam, so we had a convo about how I felt like he didn’t put enough effort in reaching out. He offered to hang out tomorrow and I thought it was chill. But time came around and he said nothing, so I was a little pissed. I talked to him next time we hung out that I’m probably gonna move on now and he broke down crying saying that he loved me. I was shocked, but happy so I forgave him. Now a week later he’s started putting me on hold in favor of other friends, sometimes saying they just want it to be them. I’m kind of over him but I still really like him, do I block him and move on or is there a way to stop caring so much about him and still have him around as a friend?

1 comment
  1. Bro he doesn’t care about you. Friendship is a two way street, if you already expressed he isn’t putting enough effort into reaching out and he still doesn’t reach out that tells you enoigh

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