**Post your own achievement story**

Everyone who feels like sharing a story about sexual experiences can do so in this daily post. Be it a new or an old story, be it extraordinary or rather common; anything – from happiness over losing your virginity or having your first orgasm, to sharing about the amazing, kink-filled weekend of debauchery you experienced – is appropriate to this thread.

**Post an update to a post you have made in the past**

If you have posted for advice about a situation in the past and wish to share an update – this is the place for it.

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Any sexual experience that you wish to share is fair game, as long as you follow the rules of the community.

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*Let’s hear about it!*

  1. My wife had a medical procedure and we needed to take a break from sex for a month. She is 100% fine and all tests were negative.

    We had sex for the first time today and holy crap was it amazing. We often get extremely kinky but today was as vanilla as it gets and it just didn’t matter.

    I’m 48, but that was hands down the most “damn I needed that’ sex of my life.

  2. My girlfriend and I have been together for a month as of yesterday, she’s also a lot older than me. And this morning I managed to make her orgasm so hard that she was shaking uncontrollably, she even shouted “God damn! That was unreal!”. Made me feel super proud.

  3. I can’t do tinder…

    The women on there are never satisfied. I can’t keep up.

    I’m pretty big down there, I went 3 minutes, recovered, then went 20 MINUTES of rough pounding in 4 positions after 10minutes of foreplay + another 5 in between.

    Then she’s like “will you be able to go again?” And “I’d have sex 4x a day with my ex” (that part doesn’t bug me) I’m just tired.

    20minutes is insane. That rarely happens. Most the time I’m like 3-7minutes.

    Also, so many seem kind of prim and proper, then you get together and they’re like “choke me out” whatever that means. It seemed like she literally wanted me to choke her out.

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