Hey everyone!

I recently moved back to my hometown after living abroad for a year.

While I did maintain very minimal contact with a couple friends from high school, I have horribly neglected the vast majority of my connections. It was fine while I was out of the country cause I had people around me at the place I was staying, but now that I’m back home it’s gotten awfully quiet around me.

I’m an introvert at heart but the loneliness is starting to become soul-crushing now.

I really need friends. Or just, some people to see and talk to for now. I’m hoping to meet new people the following weeks and months through a job and some hobbies, but I also wanted to try and maybe revive some old connections.

How to go about this? I’m assuming I’ll need to keep things casual at first… what are some openings for shooting someone a message? What are some activities to suggest to someone that I haven’t seen/talked to in a few months?

Thank you guys in advance:)

1 comment
  1. In my experience from the receiving end just reach out! I’m a girl so I’m not sure if guys reach out the same way girls do, but just a “Hey ___, I am back in town and just wanted to see if you’re down to go get lunch or something and catch up! :)”. Of course it may be a tad awkward but that’s natural and isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Then of course let the convo flow and ask how they have been and such. There’s no shame in wanting to just be social, we’re social beings.

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