There are so many layers that go into this, internally and externally.

Understanding what is your responsibility and your boundary and what is someone else’s.

Being non judgemental to support connection

Understanding other people as a person

Holding space for the complexity etc

So many layers that go into understanding and creating a good connection.

  1. It’s like a game with lots of story choices . You play it again but pick different options and you get a different result

  2. It’s very complex. That’s why I never fault people for their lack of sociability. It’s a lot

  3. This just confirmed I was damaged and lost intelligence thanks to being given Seroquel XR promised that it would help ADHD but it didn’t.

  4. Yeah spend a lot of time reading books, therapy, learning emotional intelligence. Then spend time talking to people, dating, working with people and put yourself out in the world and you will improve social skills

  5. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the more I connect with people and understand them, I feel like most people are inherently bad. I’m not saying I’m a saint, but for some reason the more I understand them the more I see the bad in them.

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