My sexual partner often makes comments such as “she kinda” and “I would” as a joke and some times not as a joke and it makes me really sad. I think he should be allowed to be a sexual person, that’s fine. I like that he’s a sexual being but it turns me off and makes me really sad when he jokes about stuff like that. It’s usually alternative women which is his type (he’s alternative himself) but it does make me feel like a porn category. It’s such a dumb thing to get upset over but I want to feel special not just like one of many alternative women he would smash. His type is very clear even when he doesn’t talk about it, and I feel sick being reminded about it. The sex is amazing and I absolutely love being with him but it does make me sad at times. I don’t know what to do about these feelings of anxiety.

  1. Just express it..tell him exactly what you said here.. because he probably sees it as a way he’s connecting with you rather than hurting you. If he knew he wouldn’t want to hurt you and would probably get off on you wanting to be special to him

  2. It’s not a dumb thing to get upset over at all. I would 100% feel the same way if my partner pointed out other guys she thought were attractive all the time… fuck, i feel a little jab when some of my female friends point out a guy that sorta looks like me and they say “he’s hot” or whatever.

    It’s definitely something you should talk to him about. It’s fine if he thinks that, and he can point thst stuff out when he’s with the boys, but if it makes you uncomfortable you need to communicate thst with him.

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