I just had a slightly awkward moment with a supervisor at work. He asked me how a meeting with a few other of my coworkers went and I misheard, thinking he just asked me how I was doing. I started stupidly rambling about how I was doing and asked him how he was. He was like “Oh, I’m good…” and the convo died awkwardly. A couple hours later it dawned on me that I had completely misheard his question!!! LOL. Obviously by then it was too late to recover. This was such a tiny moment that anybody could have experienced but I want to crawl inside my skin and I can’t stop replaying it in my mind and berating myself. How do you stop yourself from reliving cringy moments and start to accept/let go? I know these moments happen to everyone and it probably won’t change anyone’s opinion of me but I’m paralyzed and can’t stop ruminating!!!

  1. Meditation is always good. Focus on the awkwardness, reflect on it, and forgive yourself.

  2. When I want to try and make piece with a memory, I write it down on a scrap of paper and throw it in this fire pit in my backyard. A little dramatic, but nice to see my worries literally go up in smoke.

  3. I like to try to think of a situation where I remember something cringey someone else did. And I usually can’t. So it’s likely those cringey moments of yours no one will remember.

  4. I either talk to the person I had an awkward interaction with (I of course don’t talk about that awkward moment with them) or actually talk to someone about that awkward interaction. Or even as a game try to recreate it with a friend. The last part might be just a me thing.

    All the best!

  5. Reliving it is your brain going over it to pick out pieces to learn. Its essential for growth.

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