I rejected this guy after two weeks of talking and dating (we’re not exclusive and been on one date) because he gave me bad vibes and crossed some of my boundaries, I break it off with him at night on Tuesday and on wednesday morning he posts on his insta himself on a date with another girl, I am hurt, how do I cope?

  1. Get over yourself. You dont get to reject someone then be pussed when they respect that. Sounds like he dodged a bullet

  2. Soo… Let me get this straight, you are hurt because rather have a back up plan than try to debate with a woman he has know for 2 weeks. I mean you can feel what you want but you can just move to the next guy now basically.

  3. What he did is entirely normal….. You weren’t exclusive, so he was probably talking to her at the same time as you and had the date planned even before you rejected him. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary with his behaviour there…

  4. I have become that person. If someone does something to make it clear they don’t want me, no matter what I felt up until that point, I’m moving on. And I don’t feel or want someone waiting on me, if I make it clear we aren’t compatible or I’m not interested. I spent way too much time in my life waiting on someone to properly value me or communicate with me or anything else. I talk to one person at a time, but if let me know it’s time to move on, I move on. And I wish I had learned how to do it a long time ago

  5. So what? You rejected him and he moved on. He may have even been talking to her at the same time. Overlap happens in online dating sometimes.

  6. He’s trying to make you jealous. Seems like it worked. I feel bad for the other girl though

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