My Ex regrets not having sex with me !!

I was with this guy , we never officially dated but were physically really attracted to one another. We did everything expect for puting it inside me. I desperately wanted to have sex with him but he was aware of feelings towards him and didn’t want me to get hurt so he refused to have sex with me. But 3 years later we spoke to each other he told me he regrets not having sex with me. I asked him why, he didnt say anything. Now I’m wondering why did he say that?? Did he have feelings towards me or just missing me physically. He’s on my Snapchat & he always replays my snaps. He’s married with 2 kids.

1 comment
  1. It means exactly as he said – he missed an opportunity and is lamenting about it.

    Maybe his relationship with his family isn’t too stable right now and he is in a nostalgic state. And to be honest, him saying he ‘doesn’t want you to get hurt’ and refused sounds weak and lame. I think you shouldn’t waste your breath on it.

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