I (21f) am trying to figure out if my best friend (22m) has feelings for me ?

**TL/DR – how do you treat your girl best friend ? **

have been best friends with this guy for 8 years. Though we have gone a year or so no contact before he somehow found me on social media and we started talking again ( at 16 I decided to delete all social media and change my number when I moved away with my dad because I wanted to focus on building my career in my chosen field of study , however I also changed my number and accidentally lost his too some time later ). We have now been talking daily ever since just like we did prior to me moving. I saw him a few weeks ago for the first time in a while and I cannot stop thinking about him ( this is an everyday thing and it’s honestly soul destroying because I did not plan on feeling this way ) . A lot of things have changed including me becoming engaged – and also breaking off the engagement for external reasons ) me finishing university, him working in his closed career path ( me still working towards it ).

And no I can’t just ask him because I don’t want to ruin the friendship

  1. Honestly I would just rip the bandaid off and say you have feelings if you’re not in a position to meet up and drop subtle hints that way.

    Maybe he’s just a tactile, overly friendly person by nature, maybe it’s something more. You won’t know unless one of you says something. Yes, there’s the potential that it’ll affect your friendship if he doesn’t, but it’s up to you if that’s better than the ‘what if’.

    I’ve recently been in a similar position. I’ve been close friends with this guy for 9 years – he used to compliment me all the time, talk to me every second of the day, was always there for me if I needed him etc etc. I always thought of him as more than a friend but never said anything as I didn’t want to ruin the friendship. We both got into different relationships a few years ago, him before me, and at the time it broke my heart. Both our relationships ended, and after a couple of years I couldn’t take it anymore and just sent him a long message saying I had feelings for him. Turns out he felt the same way and we had both just been too shy/scared to say anything!

    We’re semi long distance, but we’ve been together for 6 months now and couldn’t be happier 🙂 I hope this gives you some confidence to do the same thing!

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