a few years ago i completely stopped using instagram. I haven’t posted a post in like 5 years and about 2 years ago I also stopped posting stories.

Recently, i’ve decided that I want to start using it again, but since i’m kind of an outcast in my class, i’m wondering if it’d be weird to just randomly start interacting with my classmates’ posts again?
like could it somehow be considered weird ?

i know this probably sounds like i’m massively overthinking it (and I might be), but you have to keep in mind that i’m lowkey the weird kid & don’t even interact with the majority of them irl. so i guess like why would i interact with them online? yk? 😵‍💫

not sure why it would be creepy, but who knows. i just don’t want to accidentally make someone uncomfortable by liking their posts

1 comment
  1. No but I would post something of myself first. The account will seem active then and not like spam

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