I keep seeing people on here mention in their answers that vaping and smoking are on their list of most hated things (in general or in a partner). I’m curious if that is about nicotine or marijuana? Both? Is this about vaping in public? I only occasionally vape marijuana before bed to help with my insomnia, so I’m curious if this extreme dislike from so many men would even apply to how I use it. But mostly I’m asking in a general way.

  1. As an aside, I recommend a 1-to-1 (or in my case a 15-to-15) oil. I’ve been using it to help clenching grinding, works amazing. I tried a dry herb vape and didn’t find it to be as reliable.

  2. The waste, the smell; the amount of people who seem to get into it purely for the giant clouds that they exhale, like a lightning rod for douchebags. I had a friend who used nicotine vapes to quit smoking. And after he quit vaping he asked “why didn’t you guys tell me my apartment smelled like that?” We did. He dismissed it because he smelled it all day long and became desensitized to it.

    But then, I’m being hypocritical since I vape THC. It’s mostly the disposable stuff creating waste, and the “huge clouds, bro” sub-subculture that annoy me.

  3. I dislike the smell and I’m not wholly convinced that the smoke isn’t harmful to breathe in.

    Do what you want in your own home or even outdoors but yeah, it annoys me when people think it’s fine to vape in a public space.

  4. I vape. I don’t chase big clouds, just enough that it is reminicent of when I used to smoke, though it’s somewhat less. I vape flavorless juice, and it’s still slightly sweet, but doesn’t have any of those cloying flavors or odors that are popular. I don’t feel the need for all that extra stuff in the juice. I try not to annoy people with it.

    I breathe better than I did for many years before switching from smoking to this. I smell better, too. Everything is a significant improvement.

    Nobody hates on it to me, but maybe that’s just a me thing and they’re still talking shit when I’m not around. I don’t think so, though.

  5. It’s the obnoxious cloud of fume that has whatever annoying smell is the flavor du jour. Instant headache. On top of that you usually have to argue with the obnoxious twatwaffle creating the putrid plume that they aren’t entitled to pollute the airspace of others because they’re an addict.

  6. Depends. If its the kind where people can’t get through the day without using one of those shitty pods from the gas station of billowing smoke everywhere they go like some chucklefuck rolling coal on the highway, then its a problem. If they’ve got a nic habit and I occasionally catch the smell of cinnamon rolls or some shit then thats fine.

  7. It makes my lungs feel like shit and I want to be able to run and can’t be my best while vaping. Also it primes my brain to be mad impulsive and constantly need STIM which I fucking hate. This transmutes to other things like eating junk food or gambling as well.

  8. 1. Smells bad
    2. Makes you look like a twat
    3. Waste of money
    4. Good chance it’s damaging your health, but I’m not up on the latest research

  9. I see kids using it. Like… kids. Already hopelessly addicted. Aren’t we a great generation?

  10. Mostly just those who still bang on about their “right” to vape indoors or how it’s somehow any different from smoking. Get over yourself dumbass, you’re the new generation of smoker and we all think you stink. Rip your phat clouds somewhere else.

  11. I’d hate all of them less if they’d stop stinking up my workplace and littering all over.

  12. i don’t really care what people do to their own bodies if it doesn’t impact me, and i’d much rather smell some fruity vape when walking down the street than cigarette smoke. but, if you’re using a throwaway vape, those have lithium ion batteries. they should not go in the trash, but i’m pretty sure that’s where 99% of them end up.

  13. I’m an electronics experimenter, so it’s convenient to have people walking around carrying resistance wire. When I need to make a precision resistor or a heating element, I can just push one of them down and take their wire.

  14. When it comes to smoking weed or cigarettes, I just don’t like the smell and how easily it sticks to clothing.

    Vaping. I don’t care.

  15. hell yeah, id love to consume a gas form of a fluid with a chemical ingredients list longer than the wait for change in america. that’ll definitely be healthy

  16. I don’t dislike vaping. I dislike breathing in other people’s smoke or vapor.

    You’re fine bro. Just don’t go puffing around a bunch of kids or in densely populated zones. I think the people that hate vaping probably deal with other people’s vapors on a daily basis and it’s not actually the vaping that they hate. They hate the inconsiderate person blowing vapor into the air they have to breathe everyday.

  17. Vaping in public or regularly for sure. But someone who vapes is making a decision. Not a good decision. And I want mate who makes good decisions for themselves and for others. For me it is a character thing. But also I hate the smell and it is disgusting if you understand how it works and what it does.

  18. It’s not good for you health wise. And has big negative impacts worse than a caffeine headache ever was when you try and quit.

  19. I dislike that much like smoking, when they vape, so do you. It seems there’s zero consideration for anyone else around, as usual.

  20. For me it’s the constant presence of someone’s smoke cloud in my face every time I use public transport.

  21. Watch the Netflix documentary Big Vape… Tells the story of Juul and why the industry is as hated as tobacco.

  22. Bro I swear if I see a guy vaping I cringe. I mean who the fuck sits there, smoking a pink little stick with fucking “watermelon asshole blast” flavor puffing on it like some kind of baby sucking on a tit. It’s disgusting. Honestly as my dad would say, “if you’re going to kill yourself, atleast look like a man while doing so”

    Although there are those proper multiuse vapes where you refill the liquid and it looks pretty sick (although expensive). My friend had this wooden one and the vapor smelled like pine. That was good and pretty okay in my opinion. But those fucking colored dildos young men smoke these days are infuriating. Might aswell put on a dress and go suck cock in Amsterdam.

  23. Just another harmful drug to look cool, keep that shit away from me and be killing yourself in private

  24. Wifey is a smoker, I myself have never smoked a day in my life (don’t consider Marijuana) Both Wifey and I prefer she smoke cigarettes/cigars” Wifey says she prefers a Cigarette/Cigar because of the “known” side effect Vaping is still relatively new and we don’t know the long term effects of Vaping. I prefer Wifey smoke Cigarettes/Cigars because she makes it look so sexy, plus wifey loves to leave her signature lipstick rings on the filter cause she knows it turns me on

  25. I dislike how predatory the market is. When it started, it was marketed as a stop smoking aid. Great, and it does work for that. I’ve done it. My personal issue with it, and this is largely my problem not the vape itself, is it’s 10x harder to quit. At least for me. At least when I quit smoking, for one I had a bit of aid from the vape, but I also noticed a lot of good stuff and said goodbye to the nasty shit about smoking. No more shitty taste in my mouth all the time, my clothes don’t smell like shit, I don’t feel like I need to be 20 feet away from everyone to do it, I’m not offending anyone with the smoke. With the vape, I don’t have any of that. I can do it pretty much whenever and wherever I want, which means I do it WAY more than I used to smoke, and it’s turned itself into a crutch that I never experienced with smoking. It tastes good, I like the smell, it doesn’t have any of the bad side effects that smoking had that helped keep me on track quitting.

    I think it’s marketed very dangerously, and whether you want to believe it’s marketed to kids intentionally or not, that is the end result. I see kids as young as 11-12 years old vaping, frequently. Sure, young kids used to smoke. When I was in middle school 15 years ago, there was maybe 2 or 3 kids that smoked, it wasn’t common at all. It was more common in high school, but even then it was a mostly social thing we did at parties or whatever, nobody was really a smoker barring the occasional burnout stoner kid. I think I had 2 friends in high school that were actual smokers, and I knew of maybe 6-7 others in my school. Now, I would estimate without seeing data that at least a third of middle school aged kids have vaped or do vape, and easily over 50% of high school aged kids. It’s sad.

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