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  1. To be more enthusiastic, i tend to have apathy towards others. But i also deal with depression and I’m also introverted. I care about people i just struggle to express it.

  2. Stay quiet, don’t share information about what my plans are, and display of power. Not in a bad way…just to be felt, to impose respect…

  3. To accept that everyone is very different from each others . You might also realise how you think before is alot changed now . This is very small technique but it will help you to socialise with anyone and experienced different thoughts of different peoples . 🙂

  4. Do not ever criticize condemn or complain, and ask people about their own lives and interests.

    Do not talk about yourself unless asked.

  5. The skill to be spontaneous to people’s response or their chat. It happens that when I’m at bed at night, i came up with some jokes to tell which is suitable in the conversation we had earlier in the afternoon 🙂

  6. Speaking as fast as I think…or vice versa idk, I stutter sometimes when I cant find the right words or when I’m thinking too fast and my mouth can’t keep up lol

  7. Learning Spanish. I live in a predominantly Hispanic area, and it would do me some good to communicate with the natives.

  8. The ability to be convincing and charming. I have most other skills. But charming I am not. I either come across as abrasive, goofy, or shy (even when im not being shy). I wish I was just smooth like butter and had a good talk game.

  9. As a woman,i HAVE to say it is the capability to understand when you’re being undermined and speak up the moment you feel disrespected in a conversation;as in being cut off in the midst of a sentence or always being double checked with another man even when you obviously have better knowledge than him.

    Simple sentences like “I didnt finish.”
    “My take on this matter is not over. Please wait”
    will suffice.

  10. The ability to actually be able to carry a conversation without it dropping off into an awkward silence with me not knowing what to say.

  11. To be assertive, not agressive. Respond on the spot, not let it stew in your head and burst days or even months later.

  12. Learning Emotional regulation. It’s my biggest struggle right now and I’m at a loss to learn how

  13. Being able to actually translate my thoughts into words. I always end up just stumbling across the words and be unable to make myself understood. It’s super frustrating at this point😫

  14. Being able to keep up the back and forth of conversation. I have a hard time coming up with something to say that isn’t about me or something I’m interested in. So the convos fall flat unless the other person keeps it going.

    I read I should ask questions to keep things going and that definitely has helped.

  15. Being able to express emotion better. I’ve been called “a robot” a few times by dates, and it hurts.

  16. The ability: being able to not be afraid of displeasing others and being able to saying no

  17. not sure if it’s a skill, but setting up healthy boundaries works magic 😌👌 I value now who I let access on. Oversharing is my hobby before until I realized that not everyone will be genuinely happy for you, privacy is now my luxury. ❤

  18. A quicker wit. My mind feels so slow and empty in social settings, which is funny bc over text people call me funny and charming. But in real life, my brain just grinds to a halt in social settings and idk why 😥

  19. Better language skills I guess? I don’t talk much, but when I do, I tend to repeat certain phrases a lot and I can never think fast enough to say what I mean (stuttering, flubbed words, trailing off when I can’t think of words). It’s very frustrating because I’m much better at writing what I want to say, but I feel like I sound stupid when I try to talk. It probably contributes to some social anxiety too because I’m constantly worried about having conversations without being able to think through answers first.

  20. The ability to read the room. Analyze the room and the air of it and play the cards accordingly.

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