I’m a female, and only 1 man has ever made me completely soaked. I do get wet with other men, but not like my ex did. Like change the sheets wet and whiping inbetween or else there isn’t any friction.

Is that a thing for guys too? Are you harder with certain girls than other girls?

  1. To some degree, if you’re more aroused, you’re more likely to have your body react to it.

  2. Yes. Mental and physical attraction is key for me. When all cylinders are firing I’m rock hard. But the few times that I was with someone who didn’t check all my boxes, I wasn’t fully aroused

  3. Absolutely, I can go multiple rounds with the right girl. Without needing to take breaks in between

  4. Not really. What has a a more pronounced effect is – overall health, my alcohol intake, and my mental state.

    I know that’s the boring answer, but those have a huge effect on the quality of erection.
    A little viagra overcomes those 😂

  5. I’ve never thought about a concept like “erection quality” before but it does make sense in the way you’re comparing it. Sure erections aren’t that binary in the sense of erect/not erect, and a guy can definitely be “harder” than just being erect.

    So, for my personal opinion, does it depends on who I’m having sex with? For me, not really. It’s not so much about who, but what we’re doing. Vanilla sex bores the shit out of me, so I don’t get as hard or stay as hard from that. Who is definitely important to me, I need to have a connection with a woman, but what we’re doing is infinitely more arousing. There’s a difference between “yeah this is hot” and “fuck me this so fucking hot”.

  6. Not the first couple of times. Looks matter to me, and I like the lights on. It used to be love that matters when I was younger until I got into a long relationship. Some people can really let them selves go. So, being in decent shape and being in love will make me hard for multiple rounds.

  7. Yes definitely me only certainly woman get me in that totally deep mode 😛😛❤❤

  8. Much like the idea that all men’s orgasms are functionally much the same (they are not) and that we always come (we do not, and ejaculation and orgasm are different events, they just often occur at similar times) the idea that all of our erections are an on/off switch is so bizarre to me.

    Like, it’s not untrue, far from it, that so much medical science is slanted towards men’s physiology, but so much ‘received wisdom’ around male sexology, around male sexual function, is underknown and unexplored.

    See also: infinite jokes around ‘don’t know where to find / what to do with the clitoris’ (which, to be fair, I agree with’) and ‘the clitoris is not just a bud but an entire structure’ (which again, obviously, I agree with!) but so many with absolutely little idea of what to do with a prostate or even where to find it and the assumption that hurr hurr tug tug penis go brrrrrrrr.

  9. There’s a saying hot girls keep your dick erect for a reason.
    I personally 100% agree

  10. It didn’t matter for a while. I got hard pretty consistently with any woman with whom I was engaged in foreplay. But then I met a woman who I was SUPER attracted to, and I experienced erections like never before. Really hard, really eager.

  11. yes, for me it seems to be chemistry. certain women its like their scent gets me high and just being near them shuts down my executive functioning lol. those are always the partners i have the biggest, hardest erections for and can go multiple times with.

    PiV missionary w these partners is 10x hotter for me than hair/panty-pulling, ass-smacking anal doggystyle w her thong-to-the-side (my absolute favorite scenario lol). the verbal and uh, ‘physical’ feedback ive gotten seems to indicate that the feeling has been mutual.

  12. Yes for me. Matters on my mood and who I am with. Sometimes I just to it because they are horny , I might not be in the mood.

  13. For me, it depends on the atmosphere. If it’s hot, then call me Vlad the Impaler. If it looks like duty sex, im gonna do it. Just not enthusiastically

  14. Oh yes. With the right girl, possition, place and circomstance i can go for a long time and even multiple times. Both physics and mind has to check tho so no doubt about that..

  15. Yes this is definitely the case. With my ex, she had nice tits which would easily get me hard by sucking them for a few seconds, and she would also blow me for like a minimum of 10-15 minutes (I would reciprocate too) before we had sex. I’d always stay rock hard and have huge loads. I didn’t know how good I had it. We broke up but sex wasn’t a reason why. My current S/O doesn’t have the same drive, doesn’t like to 69 or really give or receive oral, so I’ve had ED issues with her. Not to say we haven’t had amazing sex too, it’s just a bit rarer.

  16. More about the build up for me, if the wife and I are teasing each other all night and playing grab ass when the kids aren’t watching, typically leads to better/harder things for mini me, as supposed to the “oh shit, kids will be back in ten mins, let’s go!” Where I’m like hyperventilating trying to get hard while trying my damn best not to let the thought of them walking in on us somehow someway, even though measures are taken for it to not happen….the mind does what the mind wants, it’s his world, I’m just living in it.

  17. depends tbh. if we’re in public, the potential risk increases the arousal. but besides that, depends on physical attraction, if we click at all (personalities, mindsets, etc etc.) and if i’ve been decent at keeping up my physical health (mental health reasons,) my daily cold showers, massively improves the erection.

  18. I think that I can get sexually turned on with just looking at someone who is just my type. I don’t need much else. Like, have you ever seen someone that was just your type and then been in their presence and just been wet? It’s amazing.

    If I am not into a guy 100%, I can go one round and then stop. But I really, really want the guy, I will not stop until I am physically exhausted. One time I had sex with a guy the whole night. It was amazing.

    Another time, I was so attracted to a guy that I simply could not stop kissing him. I think we were kissing for hours and hours. It was the most erotic thing ever. Most definitely the best make out session of my life. He was just my type.

    As for the men that I have been with; I could tell how was into it and wanted to go for a long time and who wasn’t. You can just tell. By their mannerisms and how hard the erection is. The men that are into it have full on rock hard, throbbing erections.

  19. Yeahh. I got with a long time crush of mine unexpectedly. She was smoking hot. Not often I can go four rounds but yeah damn.

  20. More about what is going into the head – including the context and environment, apart from the person.

  21. Me, no. Especially, when very young. As a young man, all my erections were 100%. I think it’s still true that my erections are equally hard, they just aren’t necessarily 100%. With advancing age, the hardware tends to be unable to maintain sufficient blood pressure as you rub toward orgasm. When a person, man or woman, rubs themselves, the blood pressure inside the erectile tissues of the clitoris and penis is supposed to rise. The higher blood pressure contributes to achieving an orgasm. In older men, the blood vessel valves down there can’t withstand the pressure increase, and the hardon softens. But as to your question, I’m still equally hard whatever the partner, or if I’m masturbating.

  22. I’m a woman but I definitely get wetter and more turned on depending on the person.

  23. Not really. Erection quality is determined by how hydrated and nourished our male bodies are. Erection quality is always improved by a good blow job too

  24. Condoms make it difficult to feel much. Also new people I have nerves… Either too excited or intimidating.

    So those things make it hard to stay hard.

    Someone that I am connected with and have loving feelings for I am rock hard even with a condom.

    Take that same.person without a condom and I am also rock hard.

    Of course being tired, stressed , just messes with my hard on as well.

  25. To the question in itself, I would say “no”, because having the same period of sex with two different partners won’t change your erection, especially if it’s a short period. You could be with the gorgeous woman in the world for a quickie, it’s still rushed like a handjob and you’d still get just enough boner to conclude as fast as possible.

    “Quality” is a term depending on preferences, on feelings. So you’ll have to focus on those feelings first, those are the actual trigger not only to harder erections, but also other factors like wetness, the desire to repeat the act or to make the other come before us, etc. And those feelings, for some, would be “my significant other is better than anyone else” because they have a codependent relationship with them that none can override in a day, for other it might just be “I love redheads” because they are statistically low to encounter and thus, denial creates privilege, creates intensity.

    But the “hardness” of the boner is really minimal. Most men could become “granite hard” over time if they don’t lose focus or interest, and even so, it doesn’t make the sex more satisfactory. You’re harder, yes, but so is the grinding. Adrenalin blocks the pain from an intense erection and, when it wears out after some hours, that’s when you can’t even touch it, when it becomes a mix of pain and lust in your fingers. What creates the illusion to “come harder” or “feel rock hard” is actually the flow between frustration and release. Small releases (like breathing, going in then gathering strenght to go out, etc) or the final release (ejaculation).
    At least, that’s my honest opinion on the topic.

  26. For me(58yo male) and my wife(60), it depends upon the foreplay intensity and enthusiasm. If the foreplay is hot, intense and enthusiastic, I’m super rock hard. Married 38 years, by the way.

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