Cause like your licking a persons asshole so it doesn’t seem like a good taste so how do people say it tastes good?

  1. Have you smelled soap? Doesn’t it smell delicious?

    Have you tasted soap? It tastes god awful.

    The ass is like that but in reverse.

  2. My girl showers everyday before we do stuff and I eat the front every day and her ass 1/2 days a week and I never taste anything bad I enjoy it tbh.i don’t ever get a bad smell or anything just have to be clean imo

  3. If it’s clean it has no taste, and very little smell. And the smell of a clean asshole isn’t anything like poop, it’s actually very sexy (to me anyway). The pleasure is in the intimacy of it.

  4. I will put my finger in my ass. Then I smell it and will taste. To me, my ass taste sweet.
    With that being said, I would love my ass eaten.

  5. When you’re aroused things that might typically be gross are often non issues.

    It’s how our brain works.

  6. I love eating my wife’s ass – it’s one of the quickest ways for me to achieve an erection. It’s very pleasurable.

  7. Just the thought that I’m doing something that many would consider taboo and dirty act such as licking girl’s asshole turns me on even more and that alone makes it even more pleasurable

  8. My wife is a fan of it from time to time. Use a Hitachi wand on her clit and then me tongue in her back door…heaven

  9. Just like pussy tastes good on a spectrum, savory/salty/sweet/umami/etc, ass can too, but more subtle.
    It is erotic if you’re into it. All parts of it. Personally me and my partner both own and use bidets so I’m never worried about if either of us is clean enough to get eaten at any time. And since his ass is clean, it’s not like it smells like poo or anything nasty, so when he’s sweaty from exercising or whatever, there’s this strong sexy musk that smells and tastes uniquely like ass in a way I find so irresistible. He says he feels the same about eating my ass as well so I can only assume this is a somewhat common experience, at least for people who are attracted to men in that way. Idk I think being horny and being physically attracted to and turned on by a person changes the way your brain processes things about them, also I think the mental security of the bidet helps, just knowing it’ll never be nasty and getting to relax into what we are both enjoying, and honestly I’m sure pheromones have something to do with it.

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