I was the one who asked for a break. I was being overly jealous, which I am very much aware of. That is why I thought I needed some space. He’s my first boyfriend, and it’s hard for me because we’re in an online relationship. It was about him liking certain girl’s nsfw posts. I confronted him, and he was nice about it, asking me if he should unfollow her.

Some people said it’s normal, so maybe I was being overly jealous. I cried all night that time; I just couldn’t control it. I realized that maybe I needed some space first, so I asked for a break, and he was perfectly fine with it. I said we could be friends for awhile, and he agreed.

But he never messaged me, but again, I get it. I asked for a break, and he gave me one, so it’s a me problem. I decided to focus on myself first.

After a week or so, I decided to message him, but he was being indifferent. He’s still taking to me, but I think he’s being cold. I asked him if he’s not comfortable after that break or even with us being friends, and I even said if he won’t take me back, I’d understand because I think it’s my fault. He said it’s up to me if I want to break up. Is this the end?

Tl; dr : We took a break because I was being overly jealous and I can’t handle my emotions. He agreed but after a week or so, he was being indifferent. He’d be okay if we break up.

  1. Is he 27 or was that a typo? If not you need to stay away from him. The reason he is indifferent is cause he was using you.

  2. Why are you dating a 27 year old as a 17 year old? RED FLAG!!!! all over. Why do you think he want to date someone that is so much younger than him? Because he know the people at his age range cannot deal with his immaturity or bullshits.

  3. 27? Yeah the only reason a grown ass old man would ever date a teen is because he is mentally and emotionally a man baby, which you saw first hand with how he acts.

    He isn’t going to mature. He isn’t going to suddenly be less jealous or play games with you because he is a grown ass man chasing children. Whereas you still have *a lot* of maturing to do and will mature past him and eventually wonder why he’s such a baby. Also when you’re 27 you’ll be absolutely horrified at the prospects of dating a 17 year old.

  4. So…when you’re 27…how do you think you would feel about dating a boy in highschool? 10 years from now, would you be ok with that?

    How much do you think you will grow in the next 10 years? Do you think when you’re 27, you will be on the same page as your 17 year old self?

    I’m struggling to understand why you don’t see this relationship as creepy, and why you’re not interested in people closer to your age

  5. He is a predator and the fact he is capable of dating a child says a lot about him. He likes that you are young, meaning you are easier to manipulate and control. I promise you every single person I have seen that had an age gap like this grew up and realized how terrible and abusive relationships like this are. Let him go you will be happier.

  6. Online relationships aren’t relationships. Also this guy is a fucking creep. Block and move on with your childhood

  7. Oh honey… this must be very difficult for you.

    Taking age out of the equation, if he really cared about you, he would have responded differently. If he really cared, he would have been concerned about how liking other nsfw posts would make you feel. He’s not even giving you the decency to break up with you, which sounds like he’s willing to stick around to see what else he can get from you. But he’s not willing to put a lot of effort in to get what he wants. He’s probably moved his focus elsewhere now.

    But back to the age issue, this is a major red flag. I dated a guy who was 23 when I was 17. At the time I thought he was so cool, so mature and I was so lucky to have him.

    Looking back, I was so naive and he was 100% a creep. Only wanting to steal my innocence. He should be dating people his age. But he’s too immature to get girls his own age so he ends up taking advantage of younger girls.

    I hope you have some good support around you as you’re grieving this. ❤️

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