I am (20M) and haven’t had my first time yet and I’m starting to get a little worried. I never really put a lot of mind into this when I was a teenager but I feel like 20 is the age where it’s kinda weird or looked down apon if u haven’t done it yet and I’m starting to get a little bit worried. I’m at the age where people are very comfortable with sex, having a bunch of different partners, a bunch of fun and crazy experiences, having a “sex life”, talking about it all the time and being completely comfortable in sexual environments like parties and bars while I still haven’t started yet. I’m worried that I might not get to have those experiences or enjoy sex throughout my adult life because of how far behind I am compared to everyone else

I hear the things guys and girls (classmates, coworkers and social media) say about virgins in their 20s and it really worries me that losing ur now will be a lot harder and when I do, if I’ll be humiliated in front of a girl that’s in all likelihood way more experienced then me. If there’s anyone here that was a virgin late but still managed to have a good sex life later on, do u have any advice? For people that lost it late, how where u able to not get embarrassed?

1 comment
  1. For starters, 20 is absolutely not a “late bloomer”. You were practically just born yesterday. Second, I had sex for the first time at 20(F) because “everyone else is doing it”, and I regret the experience and have been abstinent since. It’s been 2.5+ years already with no end in sight.

    Don’t let people/societal attitudes or expectations coerce you into activities you don’t feel ready for or simply don’t want to genuinely participate in. You’ll be fine.

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