Inspired by a previous post about what a girl did in bed that changed your brain chemistry. I’m curious what interaction (in any setting) completely changed how you view the world.

Here’s mine. I was raised in a very conservative family, and when I was in high school a girl once casually mentioned in conversation that “girls are also excited to have sex.” My mind was completely blown, and my perception of women was forever changed.

  1. In the middle of October I went to visit a family of a fallen soldier, just to see if they need help, missing something etc.. maybe I could give them something.

    The soldier was murdered in a horrible massacare.
    The mother told me “I check my kids at night to see if they’re breathing” because she was so scared of losing another child.

    At that moment I think I understood that the situation I was in was real and that the people I lost were truly lost.
    I end every conversation with my friends, family now with I love you.
    Because one of us might not be here tomorrow

  2. I believe everyone, both men and women, experience the same reality-altering interaction once.

    Someone loves you unconditionally, forever and ever, and then leaves an hour later.

    To clarify, we might experience this multiple times, but only the first time is reality-altering.

  3. When my mom passed away from pancreatic cancer, seeing a confident, strong woman reduced to a living skeleton over the span of six months will haunt me for the rest of my days.

  4. Girl roommate in college. She was very attractive and a cheerleader type. Found out she was just as disgusting as the guys, burping, farting, scratching ass, shit stains in toilet bowl.

    I never had a sister or close relative to grow up with. Went to an all boys high school. Any relationships I had were very shallow and everyone was always trying to impress. The roommate really helped me to just be comfortable being fully myself around women.

  5. When I first met/dated my wife in highschool, it changed my entire world.

    For the first time in my entire life, someone actually liked/desired/loved me for all of my nerdy and weird quirks. Everything I did that usually put people off, got me bullied, or made it hard to make friends… she loved and wanted to be around me for it.

    Before that, I had zero confidence, my self-esteem was in the ditch, and I dreamed constantly of being someone else. However, she changed all of that and made it possible for me to build a real identity that I liked based on just being me.

    Now, I like who I am, we spend every day being weird together, we have a great family that we love, and she even helped encourage me to achieve my dream of publishing my own book.

  6. The time I found out that women are as shallow as men. I’ve had several women excuse my behaviors and red flags because they found me attractive enough. It completely changed my view on women since previously I thought that women had a more holistic approach to partners but as it turns out the value looks as much as men do if not more

  7. I have grown up usually as the only guy surrounded by girls. My family was mostly women, my school was mostly women, my work is mostly women. They talk about guys just like guys talk about girls and are far more open about things, they absolutely will talk about their partner’s dongs and how good they are in bed. They do really gross shit as well, like one girl who saved period blood for mixing with her paints.

  8. At work I had the same woman berate me for holding the door open and a few months later she got mad for me not holding the door. Since the I’m just done helping random women

  9. In 2019 I was SA by my girlfriend. I didn’t know what had actually happened to me until months later. I kept it to myself for a long time until later the next year I decided to open up and I told 3 of my best friends about what had happened to me.

    Two of those best friends are girls and 1 is a guy. When I opened up about what happened to me, my female friends were supportive but they were telling me how if it had happened to them that it would be a tragedy. Now I know they were being supportive but to me it felt like they were minimizing what had happened to me because I am a man. Like there is no way both genders can have the same level of trauma from such an event. Like they both agreed that it was bad but it would be worse if I was a woman.

  10. when my hs gf threatened to tell everyone I was gay and had a small penis and break up with me if i wouldn’t sleep with her on prom night.

  11. I was telling a lesbian friend that I have trouble lasting in bed. She was like, “Isn’t she responsible for that too? If she blows past your limits all the time that’s partially her fault”. Honestly, it started the ball rolling and made me rethink relationships and empathy in a lot of areas, and how important communication is

  12. I used to think blow jobs were just ok. Turns out I had never gotten a really good one. Then one day a woman gave me a good one.

  13. When I traveled abroad and saw that different beauty standards exist. The attention you receive can be night and day, depending on the country you’re in.

    In the U.S., being Mexican in the south is not that great.

    Being Mexican in Southeast Asia? Lots of good attention. One woman said I fit the beauty standard there.

  14. When Sarah Everard was murdered. My closest friend is a woman and somw of the stories she told me, about experiences she has had, or just things that women have to do, or can’t do, that I can and I just took for granted.

    Massive eye opener

  15. my ex gf, Sarah. I try to keep our community safe, and she demands that PC rhetoric be upheld even if it costs lives.

    She was previously bitten by dogs, twice and on two separate occasions. I am an advocate for responsible dog ownership, so I am pro-by laws regulating dog ownership. It’s something that my voting power can do something about, and I am all for local community.

    Well, she was house sitting for someone, who had a mini australian shepherd dog. She works swing shift, so she got off work at 1030, then went to the dog to water it. She sat on the house sitting couch with the dog, and watched some tv. She tried hugging the dog and it lacerated/bit her face pretty good, and she then went to the ER to get stitches to stop the bleeding. She called her mom, a nurse, and her sister. Once she got home, she called me. She was still in shock, so I decided to go see her at 1am or something. I then cuddled her to sleep, which is a good way to prevent shock from getting worse. She soon recovered and I helped her minimize her facial scarring, because she was insecure about that.

    Well, we later broke up because she found out that I argue *against* a certain dog type that is infamously known for being particularly deadly with the common situations that cause this dog type to maul people to **death**. She got mad at me for that, and of course, its super polarizing.

    This changed my view of (dating) reality because, as a man: I choose to make the communities I live in safer, and some women decide that needlessly endangering the community for Politically Correct- rhetoric, is more important: even if it does actually cost a ton of lives. I was actually into her, too. I failed her shit test, basically.

  16. We are taught as men that broadly speaking men are ones who do terrible things and women are often victims. In my teens I was subjected to a number of interactions with women which involved coercion and sexual assault.

    I find it shocking that a person can reach adulthood and not seem to realize that women can do terrible things.

  17. I had a female friend who I thought I was very close with because she confided in me details of the sexual abuse she had experienced, and since I too am a survivor, I thought we were two peas in a pod

    I tried divulging to her information about my own childhood abuse, where a friend of my mother’s made me do all kinds of disgusting sex shit. The girl, and a friend of hers I also thought I was close to, told me that I should consider myself lucky I got to experience sex so young (age six) and that I should stop trying to claim victimhood status because I am male and boys are always horny

    Made me realise, we don’t support each other. We support them

  18. Very cute girl in high school informed me that everyone wears jeans more than once before washing them. (I had assumed everyone thought this was gross and I would never have admitted to it.) I can’t really explain why this basic and truly boring “admission” helped me so much to interact with women / not be afraid of what I say for fear of being outcast or something, but it did.

  19. My, now ex wife, rubbed my back after a fight. I have a shit mom and my dad was very macho. I was taught by my mom and dad not to trust women, they will hurt you. They will lie to you. They will use you and try to abuse you. And for a long time, till I was 23, they were right. A string of bad women in my life, due to my choices and the company I kept.

    After meeting me ex, we had a big fight. It was rough but I was ready. I was used to the screaming, the mean words, the throwing things. But instead she pulled my head into her lap and rubbed my back because I was getting overwhelmed. I guess it’s not only a women thing, but I learned that day (after a surprising amount of tears) that relationships don’t have to be like that. That was a turning point for me in my life. We are divorced now but I still to this day think that was one of the biggest points in my life. From there I wasn’t a cornered dog, worried about protecting myself but instead, I started to learn empathy and have done what I can to pass that on to anyone who will listen. Have to be the change I want to see in this world

  20. I grew up being taught that “sugar and spice and everything nice” bs. Thinking that most women are generally good with just a few bad apples, and due to men’s aggression, it’s usually men who were the assholes. But after my first relationship and reinforced by a few other interactions, women are just as likely to be toxic and selfish as men are reported to be, it just manifests differently most of the time.

  21. One of my senior year classmates complimented me on my tenacity even during finals week. I hosted a class wide final exam review at 7:30 AM even before the 9:30 AM exams on the last day of school. She gave me a big bearhug after the exams.

  22. In high school I hd a job at a restaurant and part of the job was cleaning bathrooms. The women’s bathrooms were always more nasty than the men’s. Blew up my vision of women being neat and delicate and whatnot.

  23. Doing everything for my wife, getting a house, supporting her going on a trip to visit her family before we started having kids, having her cut off contacts two weeks in, lie to me for months, drain the bank account, and all she can say when confronted is ‘you did too much for me and it made me feel pressured’

  24. My best friend , at the time, that I was falling in love with. Told me that, “She never worries if the people she falls in love with her will love her back.”.

    I pretty much gave up on falling for women after that.

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