it’s been a draining, crying, and stressful few days. my boyfriend moved somewhere 40 minutes from me where he dosent have a car there. the only way i can see him is if i have to go there straight from work on the weekends. The walk to the train is 15 minutes, then a 10 minute walk to his place after i get off the train. it’s A LOT. I feel like i’m going to loose him, and i don’t want to. we love eachother so much. we have been dating for 8 months now and we make eachother so happy. He made this decision to move in with his friends, but how about this being so hard for me to see him? the pressure is all on me.. i’m going to have to put in the work every single weekend to be with him. it’s just not fair. is this a reason to break up with him? i don’t know what to do, i’m at a loss. this is so inconvenient for me. we used to live blocks away from eachother and now it’s going to be hard.

TLDR; is this a reason to break up? should i give it a chance first? what are some things i can do to help me keep my mind at ease for this? we are so close so i don’t want to break this up. it hurts me so much

  1. Am I missing something? 15 minute walk to the train and 10 minute walk to his house doesn’t seem that bad… is this the only reason you are considering a breakup?
    Also, why can’t your boyfriend come to your house?

  2. So your relationship seemed to be more of a convenience thing than a love and care thing….?

  3. Why are you the one who always has to go to him? I assume that train goes the other way. I realize it might be harder to have privacy where he’s at, but that isn’t really the issue. This is a big burden that I assume he placed on you and you accepted it.

    One person can’t keep a relationship going, and the way you described it, this is what’s happening.

    Also, how long have you been with him?

  4. Have you told him how this makes you feel ? Have you shared your emotions with him and he just brushes it off ? Have you asked him to come to you ?? And he just doesn’t care / won’t do it ?? If so .. leave him.

  5. You need to ask him why he moved away.

    It sounds like your boyfriend is not as invested in this relationship as you are.

  6. I would have to ask why he chose to move far away if you “love each other so much” and you “make each other so happy?” And why is all the onus of travelling on you? Why doesn’t he make the trip sometimes? I have to say, it certainly doesn’t sound like this relationship is a priority with him. I won’t flat-out say you should break up but it doesn’t look good.

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