I (23F) dated someone for 2 months earlier this year and while this may seem like a short amount of time it was the most serious romantic experience I’ve had so far and arguably was a relationship. However, it’s been over 7 months since the relationship ended and I feel like I’m still not over it. I mean, I’ve moved on with my life but I constantly think about him and still get intrusive thoughts about him and the relationship all the time. I fantasise, romanticise and then despise the memories. I go from idealising the experience to regretting it and devaluing the guy because he broke my heart.

My friends come in two categories. The first are the ones who tell me it’s okay to still be grieving and that I can take as long as I want to get over it. This is more reassuring to hear. On the other hand, the other category of friends think that dating other people will help me heal and realise I don’t need the attention of the guy that broke my heart. They think the reason I’m not over it is because I refuse to use dating apps right now or see other people. I went on one date a few weeks ago largely because my friend pressured me to, it was alright and the guy wanted to go on another one, but I decided not to (not just because I don’t feel over my first relationship but also because I didn’t see compatibility with the guy in this date either).

There’s a part of me that thinks I simply won’t get over it unless I date someone else. Yet if I start dating despite not feeling ready or happy enough to do it, I risk causing more pain to myself or even another person if I end up leading them on (as someone who’s previously fallen for a person who may have still had feelings for their ex, I don’t want to put someone else through that).

Never mind the fact that I don’t really want to date right now anyway, I just want to stop feeling like crap over the situation. And so far nothing seems to work.

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