So to summarize my girlfriend and I have an incredible sex life, communication is perfect, its frequent, fun, light hearted sometimes, and we get really intense and kinky sometimes too. Overall 10/10, but the other day while she was giving me head and we were talking about nudes and she realized she had these pics (in underwear) of her when she was 16 and 17 and i dont know why but it got her extremely turned on and she was asking me “i woulda loved if you fucked my 16 year old self” i thought she meant when we both were younger but then she clarified that she meant me at 23 right now. Again I put it off to maybe it was a older guy kink, but then as we were having sex and dirty talking she kepy emphasizing how hot she finds it that I would fuck her teenage self and how fucked up and twisted it is but she loves it. Its the horniest she’s gotten in a while and I was feeding into it because she was loving it and as I said “yeah id fuck your 16 year old body” she INSTANTLY came, which usually takes her about 20 mins. I’ll be honest the whole time I was disturbed but I went on with it until I came and after we were cuddling she was telling me how much she loved it and how awesome it was. She again emphasized how much she enjoyed it but assured me she only has this kink because its her younger self and she would obviously be disgusted if I thought of any other young girl in a sexual manner

So my dilemma is, does she have a point whwre its not weird cause its HER younger self all be it she is 16/17 and she’s been jerking me off to those pics (usually its to her normal nudes but lately has been those pics) OR is it normal that I find it weird cause for me she’s still younger and the end of the day. I know I gave in and I enjoyed the sex at the moment but after it made my stomach feel weird cause I’m questioning “am I enjoying this”

Feel free to ask any questions incase i missed anything and thanks!!

  1. The two of you are consenting adults playing make believe. I don’t see an issue here.

  2. In this case I believe it’s more of the fantasy and the ability to let loose with your partner. A lot of fantasys are just that fantasy. If your partner starts suggesting that you actually sleep with minors, well then that is a problem.

  3. She has the thrill of being that underage partner with you although not sure if she’s imagining you as an underage too or your current age. That’s best left unanswered and stays inside her mind. But other than that, it’s just a kink between you guys and not something that possible for both of you in the real world so yeah 🤭

  4. I think it’s totally fair you feel conflicted about it, at the end of the day it’s just fantasy and she really pushed it so i see nothing weird or wrong about it. Makes me think that when she was 16-17 she had a fantasy about being with an older guy and so she’s kinda reliving that fantasy now with you but backwards, if that makes sense haha.

  5. Yeah it’s called age play role playing. It’s fantasy like your gf said and she reiterated she understands that IRL it’s messed up. She prob gets off knowing it’s taboo, less about the whole age thing.

  6. The fapping to her old pics is very concerning and crosses legal thresholds that could bite you in the ass.

    Otherwise, the whole event in question is two consenting adults having fun.

    I’d personally not read too much into it; my partner had a similar phase but its more nostalgia for what could have been, especially considering I’m 6 years older than my partner (edit: she would fantasize about us being in each other’s lives earlier, we made sure the fantasy wasn’t about age).

    Just pay attention to what you’re comfortable with and communicate when lines might be crossed that could really rattle your cage.

  7. Haha. I get feeling. A little weird about it. In my case, I met my [now wife] long before we were adults and have been masturbating to her for decades and way before we were adults, so I’m good 😂. I might need to pull out some old photos 😉

  8. Realizing it’s been less than 100 years in the US where a post pubescent girl wasn’t consider marriage material.

    The US still has multiple states where the age of consent is 16 (Vermont being one)

    Europe has countries where it’s legal at 14 (Austria)

    This isn’t abnormal biologically.

  9. I’m guessing when she was 16, she fantasized about having sex with a 23 year old. That fantasy was probably tied to the age disparity. Now she’s 22, and has found herself a 23 year old, but the age disparity isn’t there anymore, so it’s still a fantasy rather than a reality. She still wants to be a teenager having sex with a much older guy.

  10. Age play is a pretty common thing, with a wide range of what that means. You’re two consenting adults and there’s nothing wrong with it. She enjoys the taboo of it being something sneaky, or dangerous, or something people wouldn’t approve of. And it’s her former self she is talking about, so it’s easier to disconnect reality from a fun thought.

    Have another conversation about it. If you’re not into it, tell her. If you, ask some questions what she specifically likes about it, and see where your comforts do match.

  11. Too weird for my blood, reverse the roles and I feel commenters would be vastly different. Its clear you’re uncomfortable which is honestly valid and I would be too and you should mention you’re not into it. Just because it’s a kink doesn’t mean you *have* to support it

  12. I don’t think its uncommon to be honest. It could be a way of saying the following things simultaneously;

    1. I wish I had an affectionate relationship at that point in my life
    2. I had self-esteem issues at that age and someone like you would have helped a lot

    I don’t think its a bad thing, and any conversation about it should be light on questions and more about connecting with her emotionally.

  13. I take it you are in America, as in my country 16 is legal and not considered problematic.

  14. I felt very happy to read that you are concerned about the moral implications for age play. On the other hand, both are consenting adults. I know it can be weird sometimes and feels bad at the moment because, yeah, it makes you feel like you are a pedo, but then again… It’s a fantasy, you have to empty your head and follow the roleplay if there’s no real implications outside of the bedroom, you are still having sex with an adult, is your gf, she stated that she’ll find gross if you found attractive underaged girl (that isn’t her “younger version”, that still isn’t a real underage girl because is in the past) so she thinks like you about that it can be immoral.

    I think that’s why for her it turns her on so much, because she is fantasizing about being “immoral” with you and only you, his partner.
    Hope you can be more at ease with this fantasy my dude, you are a Real 😉

  15. She likes this because she thinks she shouldn’t. If you normalize it, it won’t do it for her anymore.

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