How you know that you love a woman and she is not replaceable when there are lots of choices online and everywhere?

  1. everyone is replaceable

    love is a feeling, so its hard to describe how you “know”. you just know. youre sad when theyre gone and happy when theyre around, but magnified.

    as for “other choices” online, its easy. dont use dating apps while youre dating. dont flirt with others. if youre worried you’ll cheat, break up with your partner.

  2. Nobody is irreplaceable (didn’t you listen to one word Beyonce said?). You love the one you choose, and they’re special because you chose them. If you go through life with the constant attitude of “the grass is always greener,” you’ll be missing out on the field you’re in.

  3. Everybody is replaceable. But not everybody is within reach. Done is better than perfect. But absence is better than a bad presence.

  4. You’ll know you love a woman when you can’t replace them with any other choice.

  5. That sounds like another way of asking “How you know she is ‘The One’?” – to which I will say: There is no “The One”. There are plenty of people, each unique, with whom a man could enjoy the rest of his life (also applies the other way around).

    Whether or not someone is willing to start over again with someone else usually depends on value added through the relationship and the available alternatives. “Online” has little to do with that, a desireable man will find someone online or offline. But why look elsewhere when you are not a player and get everything you want from your relationship?

    The only thing I’d say you couldn’t get from an exclusive relationship is variety. But even in non exclusive relationships I’ve seen women intentionally sourcing out some of HIS horniness to other women and taking care of everything else, with the results that she got all the benefits of being with him, while reducing the pressure of what once said to be “wifely duties” – though surely that’s not for everyone.

  6. I think it’s not that she’s not replaceable, I think it’s possible to love someone and acknowledge that there’s probably a few people out there in the world that you could love.

  7. She became ‘The One’ for me because she’d already been a good friend before we got together, and realizing the #s game: I’d ignored interest from many women before her- sure there always may be more but if you find one *you’re compatible with* don’t ever let her go because how many times will the universe bless you the same way.

  8. You just know when you love her.

    There is no such thing as an irreplaceable woman. All women are replaceable.

  9. > when there are lots of choices online and everywhere?

    This gave away that you’re a woman when you think this applies to men in general.

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