Can’t stop thinking about her

I want to go on a self improvement journey, I want go and fix myself, I’m thinking about 6 months of pure focus, yes I will talk to friends and family etc. but will pay more attention to my self. But there’s one problem, I have ADHD and i have a huge crush on a girl and she likely (from how she acts and her brother all of the sudden has been way to nice to for no reason at all) has a crush on me too. I have had a crush on her for around 5 years. But we only meet at religious events so I can’t talk to her, but we make eye contact and her brother talks about her to me alot.

But anyways, now I want to improve my self after a lot of things went down hill. But I can’t stop thinking about her, I haven’t been to the events cause I have been busy for a few months. But I can’t stop thinking of her, I want to go to the events all the time, but I know that first I have to improve myself.

So my question is how can I stop thinking about her or any motivational quotes or anything for me to have the patience and discipline to focus on my self and when the times right I can talk to her.

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