I met this girl on a dating app, right after a breakup. I wasn’t looking for a new relationship but really wanted to talk to new people. We immediately clicked and went on a date one week after the match. The date was great; we talked and laughed a lot, and she asked me for a second one. After that, she started to text me lesser, although sometimes she would show up and say very naughty stuff that confused me about her intentions. I tried to go on a second date with her many times, and each and every time she had a different excuse after standing me up. After 4-5 tries, I stopped initiating conversations with her but would answer when she texted me. Fast forward to last week, she asked me on a second date so she could explain me better why she stood me up so often because she felt like I deserved to know. Again, she just disappeared with no excuse at all, but I went after her and finally had a second date. She was very transparent with me: told me she started seeing another guy after our first date and was more into him than me. Although things didn’t finish well with him, she had lost interest in me, but out of pity went on a second date with me, and that to her surprise, was a lot better than the other one. We talked about a lot about our relationship goals, what we were looking for (and we were kinda of in the same page) and some intimate stuff, kissed and cuddled for hours, but didn’t have sex (I think she wasn’t really in the mood). Again, she asked for a new date and to sleep at my place next time. Right now, it’s been a week since this date, but when I text her, it doesn’t feel like she is putting any effort into maintaining a conversation. I thought that after all the things we talked about in our date she would be more responsive and talkative as we got really intimate. I don’t know what to do. I wasn’t really looking for a relationship, but I do want to go out with her again and have her sleeping at my place. When I text her I feel like I’m being a fool and insisting on someone who doesn’t seems to give a fuck. But when I don’t text her I feel like I’m missing the opportunity to have a third date with her. Also, since I’m not actively looking for relationships, I deleted dating apps, and she’s currently the only girl I’m “talking” to (and the only one I went out with after my breakup) other than my friends.

TL;DR – Went on a date after my breakup, looking to get to know new people. Had a great date with a girl but she stood me up many times until we had a second date (three months later). We had a very transparent and deep conversation, cuddled and kissed for hours. Now, she barely texts and I don’t know what to do, as I feel like a fool texting her but fear missing out a third date by not taking initiative.

1 comment
  1. Yo, this girl told you straight up she ditched you for another dude a month before and you’re still simping waiting around for her responses to you? Seriously, you have “doormat” written across your forehead. She smells the desperation and that is very unattractive. You need to ghost this woman to save face and change your dating habits immediately.

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