I hung out with a (22F) girl two days ago and we had a very nice time! We met that same day (with texting prior) and we spent several hours together. She is visiting Los Angeles from France for two months and says that she basically is free all the time. She wants to get to know greater Los Angeles but doesn’t really have an idea where to. She says she’s interested in hanging out again but I don’t know how soon to ask, I don’t want to come off ass clingy.

  1. Text her! Sounds like she’s given you an open door. If she didn’t want to see you, she probably would have said something along the lines of “I really enjoyed our time together. I have so much to do while I’m here though, so I don’t know if we’ll be able to hang out more.”

    If she told you she had nothing to do and she enjoyed the time y’all spent together, you’ve got an open door. Carpe diem!

  2. Whenever you have plans. As long as you’re the one taking the lead, she’ll probably be very excited that you’re inviting her. Remember, YOU’re the one letting HER come with you to whatever you’re doing!

    “Hey [name]! Are you free on _______ or _______?”

    “Cool, I’m going to be doing ______ on that day in the [morning/afternoon/evening]. I’d love it if you came with me. We’ll [verb] as well as [verb] over some [appealing adj] [noun]. Sound good?”

    “Great. Meet me at [location] at [time]. See you then!”

  3. Make plans to do something yourself, invite people.

    Go to a movie, tell someone you’re going to a movie. If they join you, awesome! If they don’t, you get to get out of the house and potentially meet someone random. It will also get you over doing stuff in your own, if that’s an issue for you.

  4. others have covered most of the answer, so I’ll just add that you may want to approach with a specific plan. Texting something like “Hey, I’m going to the museum tomorrow; are you free to join me?” feels different (less “clingy”) than a vague “wanna hang out?” if you’ve just seen them recently

  5. >How soon should I (22M) ask to hang out again?

    As soon you **want** to. Stop walking on egg shells. If you are interested in her then SHOW it.

    Stop thinking your every move.

  6. DEFINITELY hang out with her! There are way too many creeps around skid row that can just smell a tourist!

  7. I wouldn’t invest time in someone whose not from your home country

  8. Id just text again soon, i wouldnt play those games tbh, if i like i like and want to be with the person, like there’s a friend im seeing rn and im almost daily at her house now

    Like, at firs i yep invited her to a camping, then the next weekend i wasnt feeling good because yep another girl and went to her house spend some time, after that i was going day yes, day no, then now almost daily

  9. I reckon you’re probably good to text her again. I find the best way is to mention you’re going to a show or on a hike for example and invite her along. Nice and casual/relaxed

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