I had a woman do that to me heading into a hardware store to buy tools. She was dressed in boots, camo pants and a white shirt, definitely hardware hunting like me and wasn’t at all a street walker.

I finally lived long enough to run into such a thing… in my fifties while married. God help me, I was annoyed and not feeling complimented or validated. Something broke in me, lol.

I get that I have the privilege of being annoyed and not scared out of my ass. How would/did you react to a woman doing this?

  1. I would think she’s yelling to someone behind me lol I always go out with my earphones on.

  2. Some are very lively and loud, they express it if they like something about someone its normal. I would take it as a compliment.

  3. I had a girl yell out to me that I was hot one time. I was flattered, but we we’re just two ships passing in the night.

  4. Why would that annoy you?

    Or even compell you to write a post on reddit?

    I’m not coming at you, I just genuinely don’t understand what about this you found so bothersome.

    I’ve had a million things shouted at me, I just keep it moving without a single thought about it

  5. I’d assume that she was yelling at someone else and not me. There are some women YouTubers that I watch (home improvement or woodworking channels) where the women dress like that; tight camo pants and a tight tank top rocking the boots of the episode’s sponsor. I’d stop and chat with her and be like “umm nice boots.”

  6. I don’t mind. I’m decently attractive and get catcalled by a woman maybe once or twice a year. It’s either a neutral or mildly validating experience for me. I just wave or acknowledge verbally. I don’t think it’s ever been a woman I found very attractive.

  7. Smile back & say how you doin?

    Last time this shit happened to me was Halloween of 2022. Me & 2 of my boys just gotten out of a comedy club in the West Village & we were enjoying some chicken & rice (a staple NY street food) while crowd watching on the frontsteps of some townhouse, when this cute blonde looked up at me, waved & squeaked out a “Hi!”.

    I shouted, “Yeah!”, pointed at my food & said “Good shit!”. She giggled & I can’t remember if we had anymore convo after that, but she kept walking with her friends to a building a few doors down.

    My boys were looking at me like…how the fuck did you do that? I just shrugged. It is what it is. Don’t force shit but take what life gives you, dude. And don’t sweat the little things.

  8. I’d just go “sup mama” and we’d have a bit of a laugh and I would feel happy that someone made an attempt to interact with me, because as a decently large man with a natural scowl people are like terrified of me lol

  9. In my best Joey voice: “How you doin’?”*

    *After I’ve looked around to see who she was actually talking to and realizing I’m the only one there.

  10. I would think she’s either talking to someone else or pranking me as I’ve never felt attractive and nobody in my 21 years has flirted with me except as a prank back in high school so my guards would be up.

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