My gf and I (22M, 22F) just started having sex 2 months ago and we’ve been dating for 6 months. She’s had other guys before but she’s my first.
We’re amazing in every aspect…. except the sex. It’s good but sometimes it’s like she can maybe go without it. We also have some problems while having sex like movement. Sometimes it just doesn’t sync.
She also doesn’t seem enthusiastic about it all and said she’s fine with us doing it once in a few months but in her previous relationship it was like everyday.
I also want to try more risky things like washroom sex, public etc but she doesn’t want to do it because she has tried it out already.
She’s never masturbated in her life before because she used to get regular sex but only started doing it after we started dating.

How long will it take to fix this or is less sex the solution

  1. I’m not one to always advocate getting rid of people but the sexual incompatibility of this I recommend finding someone else for your needs. She is clearly not interested and probably only sees you as good for everything else but sex, which is lame as fuck. So yeah drop her like a bad habit and find someone that wants to be adventurous with you.

  2. It seems she doesn’t put enough effort in fixing this.

    And yeah, it could very well be that you’re not combatible.

    The fact that you write you’re amazing in every other aspect doesn’t fully sit with me when I look at the rest of the story. What does she say about all this? Just that she basically isn’t interested anymore in sex with you for the most part?

  3. You’re only 22. Move on instead of trying to fix something that cannot be fixed.

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