Here’s lil bit info about us: he is very laid back and loyal guy. We have had couple of rough days before and I don’t want to get upset again and again as I feel like I’m pushing him away, at the same time I’m not cool with this. What should I do

  1. The fact that he told you should be a green flag. If he was going to do anything he wouldnt have told you who was gonna be there.

  2. You’re coming off as possessive.

    He TOLD you what he’s doing and he’s meeting another friend as well. Shady guys hide and lie. You even stated your BF is loyal. Did he state he was ever interested in her? Bc if not, why on earth are you worrying?! It’s like you’re willing it to happen.

    You can either trust him and stop pushing him away or you can break up with him. But are you really willing to either way lose someone over your own issues?

  3. Look, my man is hella fine. I see him shirtless up on that stage and I imagine that almost every woman in that room wants to touch him.

    At the end of the night, he still chooses me.

    When he is gone on tour, I don’t even bat an eye. Our connection is strong, our values are the same, we both have integrity and honesty. I know I have nothing to worry about. I absolutely trust him.

    Trust. your. man.

    If he didn’t want to be with YOU. He would tell you, and go be with someone else.

  4. Reacting a mature way to something really bothering you, should be to calmly articulate your thoughts a factual manner, i.e. *”since I heard you were going to meet a woman interested in you before, I can’t help to be a bit concerned ; I trust you but that’s an irrational feeling”*. He should comfort you and reassure you if it’s said in a nice way. But you can’t expect him to cut off his plans or not meeting her, no matter how hard you want that, because that would be possessive and crazy. Not voicing your fears gently.

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