So me and my gf have been in a relationship for one year. She doesn’t have too many friends so sometimes i invite her to play games with my friend.

We played this game here called Lethal Company, it was around 6-7 people. I didn’t know some people. She only knew me.

She has played with some of the other guys there before, but then suddenly she went quiet, and would wonder around the game by herself and then die.

My friend told me to ‘put a lease on her’ jokingly, cause when you die and we don’t get the body, we lose money in the game.

So i said ‘right’ and didn’t think much of it. I tried to engage with her more, but she would have just no energy and just be dead throughout the game.

The next day I asked her what’s wrong. She said that she thought my guy friend was really rude to tell me to put a lease on her, and the guy friend called her a ‘bi\*ch’ but it was jokingly, he says that to every person he plays with, i just didin’t notice it at that time.

So I told her that i’ll tell him to tone it down next time we play with him.

Then she rants on abt how she felt like she didin’t feel included becasue she didn’t know the people there.

I told her that I only knew a few people too, and all the others were new people that I have never met before.

I told her that she didn’t even attempt to try to be friends with them , or like try to engage with them, and just tried to lone wolf the game. She said she tried but I didn’t even see an attempt. I basically called her a snowflake, because she kept saying she didn’t want to be seen as a snowflake but i said that she was being one. I told her to not take the things that happened in-game to your heart. He obviously said it in a joking matter, but if it did bug you, you could’ve told me, or talked to him saying things like “Hey don’t talk to me like that I dont know you that well yet’, etc .

My thought is how can i prevent this?

i already texted the dude saying that he was too rude to her, that she needs to warm up to him first before i guess she can handle those jokes.

This isn’t the first time this has happened, before when we played other games, she felt the exact same way.

I told her to try to talk more, and try to include yourself more into these games, but it isn’t even that serious, because its a video game.

I am 21 years old, and she is 20 years old.

I dont know how to prevent this in the future. Any advice would be really helpful

TLDR; gf feelings got hurt while playing video game because a guy said smth rude, and she felt excluded even though she didn’t even attempt to include herself into the convos.

  1. Uhm well you’re being pretty mean calling her a snowflake, that really doesn’t help. Does she understand how to play the game? Was she included in the discussions, like did you guys give her a job to do so she knew how to contribute? Did any of the guys ask her genuine questions or did the convos just happen around her?

    You need to be a little nicer to her man, she’s told you several times now that she doesn’t feel included. It’s also hard being a girl in a video game full of guys because everyone automatically assumes you suck and it quickly gets insulting. Like the leash comment was REALLY bad and in the moment you shouldve said something.

    In order to have a good relationship, it helps if you care about each others feelings instead of telling her she’s wrong for feeling that way.

  2. You called her a snowflake, and invalidated her feelings? How is she supposed to feel? Happy? Supported? Come on dude.

    “She then rants on about..” are you serious? Your gf is obviously not feeling seen or heard by you and you’re making it pretty obvious by the way you’re talking about the whole situation.

    A game where you have experience playing, she has next to none. If you’re going to include her, INCLUDE HER!

    “Okay, babe, here’s what we are going to do…”
    Map out strategies, walk with her in the game.

    “She said she tried but I didn’t even see an attempt”

    Instead of throwing her to the wolves, maybe YOU she be the one asking your friends to make attempts with her instead of making jokes about her.

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