Let’s say you’re in the supermarket, and a woman you’ve never met before makes conversation with you.

“Oh I like that shirt, where’d you get it?”

Is that considered “being approached by a woman”? I understand that in literal terms it is, but I used to always think of being approached as “Hey you’re cute, what’s your number” . At least in regards to when people talk about getting approached on this sub.

That’s happened to me a couple of times but I usually just chalk it off as a random woman being friendly, but maybe I should read in between the lines more?? I mean I’m 5 foot 7 and nerdy looking so I doubt that they are actually attracted to me, but I still wonder.

  1. She may be a chatterbox or she may be approaching you. If it EVER happens again and she is attractive to you, speak with positive energy and ask if she would like to continue the conversation at the nearby coffee shop. If she is interested in a date, she will agree or ask about contact info to set something up soon. (Always know the location of coffee shops wherever you go!)

    Your nerdy look may be helping you. Women are tired of the jerks who are out for hookups. A nerdy guy is more likely to be respectful to the woman and have an intelligent conversation with her.

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