I am a single man and just want sex not a relationship. I have booked to see an escort but am so worried about getting seen by her neighbours, photos of me being taken.

  1. You can get yourself a ghillie suit to blend in with the surrounding environment for max camouflage.

  2. If you live in a country or state where sex work is illegal, then yes, you can get in trouble.

  3. Will she wear a sign that says “escort”?

    Also, why would you worry about your neighbours?

  4. The risks are far greater for her than they are for you, so if she manages to do this kind of work without similar outcomes, I think you’re fine.

  5. Your escort does not want any notoriety. She probably doesn’t even live where she does her work. Neighbors? They could care less. Just go like normal. Trying to cover and be incognito draws attention. Acting like you belong there doesn’t. In fact if you do meet a neighbor just say hi, how are you, and go on.

  6. Same here and I have never been in trouble. But I don’t pick up hookers off the street either. Thats a sure way of getting caught at some point.

  7. Who gives a shit. People all around the world use escort or prostitutes. If anything, the main risk is STI.

  8. I think (but could be wrong) that the difference between an escort and prostitute is an escort doesn’t guarantee sex. It’s implied but not guaranteed.

    It’s used as a loophole to get around prostitution laws.

    You are paying for her time. If it leads to sex it’s a happy little accident 😉

    I’ve never availed of the services of an escort and I am not a lawyer. I’m just repeating what I have heard.

  9. Depends on where you are, but yes, generally speaking you *could* get in trouble. It’s usually just a misdemeanor. She would get in a lot more trouble than you would.

    However, it’s extremely unlikely you *would* get in trouble. She has just as much to lose as you, so she will have good discretion.

  10. Just act like she’s a girl coming over. My friend did this. Actually, he was at another friend’s house and was caught on camera bringing his lady friend over… she was wearing sweats and flip flops. It was late at night. For all anyone knew it was just a friend.

    WE knew it wasn’t JUST a friend. But anyone passing by… sure. I doubt one coming to your house would be all las-Vegas-ed up.

    ETA- If it’s at her place. I bet people already are aware and don’t give a f-

  11. Just act like she’s a girl coming over. My friend did this. Actually, he was at another friend’s house and was caught on camera bringing his lady friend over… she was wearing sweats and flip flops. It was late at night. For all anyone knew it was just a friend.

    WE knew it wasn’t JUST a friend. But anyone passing by… sure. I doubt one coming to your house would be all las-Vegas-ed up.

  12. So you said you were single so what are you worrying about unless you’re a priest or something I don’t know just go for it

  13. Dude. Do you figure you’re her only client? Why would you be notable enough for her neighbors to take pictures of you?

  14. In any case of break the law there is a possibility for consequences.

    However, going to an escort is generally a very low risk since their job literally require discretion and customer trust, so they facilitate that as much as possible.

    Just act like you are supposed to be there and no one will bat an eye, even if they see you.

  15. If you’re that worried, you can have her come to your place. Look for a provider who offers ‘outcall’.

  16. You’re overthinking it. No neighbors really care, and unless you’re a celebrity or politician, no one wants to take photos. Be clean and respectful,have the payment, and enjoy yourself.

  17. Overthink it ! Your not gonna be her first or last I’m sure she got it discreet as can be lol

  18. You’d be surprised how little people pay attention to their surroundings. They’re usually off in their own little world doing their own thing. They really don’t care about your ongoings unless it’s directly affecting them.

  19. To the neighbors who know, you’re just another dude.

    If you’re worried, then rent a truck, slap a fake “handyman” business sign on the doors, and cosplay a handyman.

  20. …why would your neighbours be taking photos of you?

    Understandable to have hesitations about seeing an escort but that is just ridiculous

  21. Metaphorically, treat the neighbors like escorts…. Fuckem. Live your life. If it’s that big of a deal get a hotel room

  22. Yes, you can get in trouble (sadly), but most sting operations involve street walking. There are sometimes busts in the room, you never know. It’s more likely that she won’t be as representing in the photos, or upcharging, or some other scam. That is not to say that those things are common, just that they are more likely than a bust.

    She may be just as nervous as you, so calming her nerves will help to calm yours. As soon as possible, go in for a kiss. Most vice officers won’t be willing to kiss…though some ladies don’t want to do that either.

    Never discuss money in person. Put the full amount in an envelope and leave the envelope in a conspicuous location like the counter in the bathroom or on a dresser. Putting a little bit extra as a tip is usually a nice gesture.

    If it’s really her house, what’s the difference between an escort and a random fuckbuddy? It won’t be her house though, it will be some hotel. The staff see this all day every day. They won’t even bat an eyelash.

    If you really want control of the situation, get your own hotel room and pay the extra charge for outcall. Either leave the room after the fact, or offer it to her to use for the rest of the night.

    I had a period of my life where I lost my wife and didn’t want a new relationship. I had some really great experiences and met some genuinely nice ladies. I originally got lucky in that the person I was making arrangements with was a former escort, now taking the role of manager/pimp. She took care of her girls and her customers. It was a good experience, and she had a lot of ladies working for her, so I never had to go elsewhere.

  23. … her neighbour’s won’t know what happened. I doubt she tells her neighbour’s “hey I’m an escort”.

    Unless you immediately start screaming “HEY I JUST HAD SEX WITH THE ESCORT WHO LIVES IN UNIT 521”, you’re fine.

    Also. How important do you think are you that people will take pictures of you going into or leaving someone’s home in their free time? People don’t care about what you do, bud. And people also don’t jusy hang out watching their hallways…

  24. If it’s illegal you can get in trouble for it, but the likelihood of it depends on how much your area’s local law enforcement cares about catching Johns.

  25. Most escorts you’ll see have security protocols if you are seeing them in their own homes. That is to ensure both her and you are safe. If anyone is going to “ get in trouble “ from what you describe it won’t be you… the neighbours will more than likely think you’re a visitor unless you go out of your way to draw attention to yourself and make it clear what you’re there for.

    Just listen to the instructions she gives you

  26. I know of someone who got busted for whom it caused a problem. The sting was where he texted the “girl” and was told to drive to a certain location, at which point he would be told which room to go to. When he got to the room he was busted- they have your email saying why you are there and they find condoms in your pocket.

    He was a doctor and it caused problems for him professionally. Look up “moral turpitude.” Some professionals are held to higher, standards than the general population. A lawyer would probably be in for some real trouble if it was in a jurisdiction where it was illegal.

  27. If the money is given AFTER the act of sex, it’s technically not prostitution, can be considered “a gift”

  28. If you wanna pay for a pro to have sex, do it and stop worrying about the repercussions. Jesus, you’re worried about neighbors but you post online about it. Lol

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