So my gf approached me first and was the first to confess her love to me, we have been together for quite some time and even tho I was not sure about us first, I trusted her and we started dating, everything was sunshine and rainbows, we both knew that we will eventually have to spend some time(4 years) in long distance but we promised to stay together forever. After I moved to another country to further my studies everything changed. I was terribly home sick and I did cry to her a few times. Also I had a messed up child hood so she is the only real friend and my only emotional support for me. After some time I started to feel a bit of disconnect from her like she wasn’t always 100% so I asked her what’s going on, she said she doesn’t feel the same way about me and wanted to be just friends, I denied and explained to her how much she mattered to me. Afterwards she said we will be in a relationship but she is unsure about living together and marriage. Currently she is a bit better feeling towards me but I’m horrified to lose her. I’ve been suicidal before and she is the only stand I have, only real friend and only real person i care for I’m giving my 1000% towards our relationship and I am ready to give more. I can’t afford to lose her. I don’t want to be alone I might end myself if I lose her. How can I make her feel better

tl:dr : my gf approached me confessed to me and wanted to be with forever. and she doesn’t feel the same since we went long distance, I can live without her as the is the only person I have due

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