So i moved schools and this was my first week. I managed to get added to a friend group of some pretty interesting fun people that i think i have a decent amount in common. I went to one of their parties and have stayed the night over a few times at one of their houses.

I have all their socials, thing is i don’t really use social media, and do not know how to operate snapchat (hence my very low snapscore). People talk in the group chat and stuff but i don’t know how to make friends with these people. I’m scared some of them don’t really like me and no one really texts or snaps me, and i don’t really text them, so I’m all in my head about talking to them. They are a pretty close group of people and i want to be friends with them all i just don’t know how to and I’m paranoid about not being liked. I don’t know all their history and i feel left out sometimes because i’m not all caught up and i don’t have as much life experience as them.

I don’t want to be perceived as strange and off putting, I’m not the most social person anyway. So am i meant to text them, snap them, what’s the etiquette, they all have loads of friends outside the group and i feel a bit like a pariah. They are just all very extroverted and interesting and i cant help but feel the opposite.

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