I live in a homeless hostel. I am a few months away from getting what I need to get done to be able to complete the move on process and move into my own place. I was threatened by another resident. The resident in question has severe mental health issues but prominently paranoia. Every so often the resident in question obsesses over a resident in the hostel and decides to “bully” them. They are usually timid and more likely to accept bullying. The resident in question knows I myself have mental health issues and although I’m reserved and keep myself to myself have extreme anger issues if my buttons are pressed. Anyway, tonight the resident was having his bout of paranoia or what not and threatened to kill me, I have no idea what over or what the problem is as he didnt stick around to explain, he told me “carry on and I’m going to kill you” and left. What should I do about this..? I’m not worried about the threat of possible violence as I can handle myself.. I’m more worried that if something does kick off, everything I have been working towards will be lost ie my positive move on options. Evidently it’s my word against his, so the hostel staff will take it as that and also if I speak to them, they will pull him for a word and he will then know I spoke in which case that could escalate things in itself. Catch 22. Anyone have any ideas??

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