the question is for the ones whose divorce is not amicable and totally dragged way too long.

  1. It was custody for us. My ex just wanted partial custody so he could pay less child support. Which you wouldn’t think was so bad but he refused to change diapers because “he’s a man”. So I didn’t want to give him custody.

    His whole argument was his mother would care for the kids when he wasn’t able too. Which I was willing to accept at least a little. That being said I still didn’t trust him with the kids.

    Fell apart when he kept delaying the custody hearing. And child support payments until it was decided. It got even worse when his mother started publicly posting about me on social media. How I was keeping a father away from his children. Bringing up my past incarceration.

    Like I said, the bar was changing a diaper and he didn’t meet it. Then I pretty much gave up and the bar was buying diapers for his kids. Which he still didn’t meet. I’m serious, if he would’ve bought his kids basic needs I wouldn’t have went after him again.

    So the second time things got bad he was pretty screwed.

  2. No custody. My ex didn’t want to get divorced and thought I should leave with literally nothing. Like walk out the door with my clothes on my back and nothing else. The entire proceedings have been a bunch of lawyers convincing him he has to give me half of everything we can document on paper. The only reason he finally agreed to mediation was because he found a girlfriend.
    At least karma has caught up with him. He tried to love bomb our adult kids after I filed for divorce and in 2 years has managed to have both of them estrange him and block him so he can’t contact them after he went back to being the jerk he truly is.

  3. Um. I FUCKING hate him but have to do right by my son until I can prove otherwise in a court of law.

  4. It was money. We both worked low paying jobs and it was incredibly difficult to establish separate households because truly neither one of us could afford proper housing solo. We stayed together a year after breaking up and then ended up needing to move back in together one more time after our first try separating.

  5. Lies. Just stupid insignificant lies about basically every damn thing. So dumb, and so unattractive.

  6. Debt, he racked up my credit cards for years because he refused to work full time or when I was off work. I was laid off during COVID so he thought he shouldn’t have to consistently go to work either.

    He doesn’t want half the debt but he’s getting it.

    When I left I only took exactly what I needed and nothing more. I feel like I was more than kind letting him have all the furniture, dishes, pots and pans, towels, etc.

  7. How long he dragged it out for. Like others here he simply refused until he repartnered then refused to negotiate and kept making ridiculous demands of his lawyer. Plays pretendsies with everyone whilst behind the scenes he’s a fucking nightmare. Weaponises care of the children. Pretty much textbook post separation violence which NOONE admits, will acknowledge or enforce yo stop.

    Waaah I’m not allowed to see ma kids. Has kids and does dangerous shit with them.

  8. We didn’t have an issue. He basically packed his clothes and his PS4 and left 😂 he didn’t give a shit about anything else

  9. Location. The divorce is final, neither of us want to live here but the custody agreement says we can’t leave the county. It’s a standoff.

  10. Refinancing a car loan. The divorce itself went smoothly. However, it was on him to refinance the car loan in his own name (I had co-signed). I got divorced in 2021 and I had to file a motion for contempt to get him to refinance. The judge gave him a Jan 1 deadline and he’s doing it with half a month to spare. My lawyer began this work in February, so it’s been 10 months of being told to wait for my own financial autonomy.

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