I (F) cant cum around my boyfriend no matter what we try and it’s weird because I like everything we do and the way he does it I js DONT understand why I cant cum

  1. It’s all about being relaxed, don’t think of it as if you have to cum, more just enjoying the experience. It may be worth having a drink or 2 to help loosen you inhibitions

  2. Maybe try wearing eye-mask? It intensifies all the senses and breaks the self-restriction due to being shy or nervous

  3. Both of you need to not be trying to make you cum

    The pressure of it can make it elusive

    Just go for pleasure

  4. honestly it might just be that you have to be more patient! is this a new relationship? when i began my relationship with my boyfriend and we lost our virginities to each other, our sex life was great! he payed attention to my body and he did his best to please me, but it took about half a year for me to orgasm. maybe he just needs to practice more and to learn your body 🙂

  5. Orgasms are 50% mental, 50% physical. You might be in your head about it. Consistency with patterns is also helpful

  6. If this is a new relationship, it might just take you a while to be comfortable enough to get there. That happens sometimes when the emotional connection isn’t 100% there yet.

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