I’m a woman and I’ve noticed I seem to have different types of orgasms, but it’s hard to describe. I’m hoping someone can give me more information on this, or even give it a name. I’ve been with only one partner(male) for about 7 years.

So you have the classic orgasm, the one you get when you masturbate where you KNOW you finished. I get these during sex as well, but rarely.

Usually my climax during sex is more of an excitement buzz. Where I’m just so excited and into it that I get chills and tense up, but I don’t feel the same way I do when I KNOW I’ve orgasmed. I just get that continuous buzz down my whole body of being close to finishing, just enjoying the moment. I feel the intensity, almost like I’m edging, not it’s not quite a full blown orgasm that I’m used to when I’m ‘finished’. This will happen several times. Still, in the end, I’m satisfied. I’m never left with the feeling of “aw, but I was so close!”, I’m actually satisfied. This has been going on for years, and I have no complaints. I just wish I could give it a name or describe it better.

So, is there really different types of orgasms? Or am I just so emotionally satisfied from excitement that I don’t feel the need to physically finish?

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