What they have to say is evidently more important than contuining a discussion we were having

Happens all the time. Theyre either really fucking bored of what I say and or they have to dominate the conversation and hog people for attention all the fucking time. Watching the telly is impossible because theyll talk over the commentary or demand things the way they want it not someone else and most importantly they never get the memo when I shut up they continue to discuss what they want even after interrupting me several times

I have had enough

1 comment
  1. If this is a person you value your relationship with, you need to call their attention to it and call them out when it happens – they may not even notice they’re doing it. I had to deal with this earlier in my relationship with my current partner because it was c o n s t a n t and it made me so angry every time it happened, but it came down to him not realizing what he was doing plus a mismatch in our communication styles (ie if I paused for any amount of time in a story, which I do often, he assumed i was done talking and he’s v chatty and likes to share info) and now it rarely happens. Google has a lot of articles on ways to approach this so you can decide how to handle it

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