My girlfriend (29 F) and I (29 M) have been together for a few months now. Were having sex the other day (for the first time together), and I asked her how she’d like it. She suggested the cunnilingus after a lot of foreplay, and I was glad to oblige.

She enjoyed it, but after that was over, she just said “All right, I think we are done for now. You can leave,” (we were in her house). I was surprised at how she was just asking me to leave, and asked her whether she’s not going to reciprocate and perform fellatio on me.

She said that she’s not interested in that. I got slightly pissed off and said that I’d made her come, but that she was just enjoying it herself without letting me have anything, and was then asking me to leave. It resulted in an argument where she accused me of “controlling” her, that I have to realize that women don’t owe me anything, etc. I asked for an explanation, and she said that that when she says she doesn’t want to, it doesn’t require any further explanation.

In the end, I left, and that’s that. Been a few days, and today she texted me to say (in response to my messages) that she might give me a second chance if I can stop being a misogynist and treat her like a human being etc.

I don’t know what to do.


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