I want to buy the newest Apple Watch for myself mainly for fitness and health. It retails for about $330. My husband on the other hand thinks it’s a waste and that “we can spend $300 on something else more important”. Meanwhile he spends $85 a week on cigarettes, $200 a month on another habit and about $180 a week on legal marijuana. I’d like to add I have 0 habits. I don’t even get my nails done or my hair done. And I don’t give him a hard time about his habits. I frankly could care less as long as he’s happy and we have the money. But god forbid I get the watch 🙄. Rant over

  1. I don’t monitor my wife’s candle “habit” and she doesn’t monitor my ammo “addiction.” If our kid is fed and the lights/water or on who cares?! We gotta enjoy some of the money we work hard for… right?


  2. Maybe time to rejig your finances? Having everything joint maybe isn’t the best fit for you if he has this attitude. I know 100% joint would make me uncomfortable with my husband’s spending because his car is a lot more expensive than I would be OK with if I was the one making the decision. Since we keep some money separate I don’t have to worry about his personal financial decisions.

  3. Proper care and maintenance of the wife requires the occasional fulfilling of desires. Enjoy your watch!

  4. Get the watch but also get separate bank accounts for personal habits you don’t need each other’s permission for. I have my habits but pay them from my pocket money account. We pay the same amount each month onto the pocket money accounts. Would eliminate a lot of stress/discussions.

  5. Get the watch. Then create 2 separate “fun money” accounts – one for each of you. You both get the same amount in your accounts to use it as you see fit. That account will be how he funds his “habits” and while he’s draining his fun account you’ll be racking up some great savings to do with whatever you choose.

  6. $180 a week on weed! If he’s that high all the time I don’t think he’ll even notice your new watch.

  7. $330 that’s cheap. I buy it first then just show my husband. And I always lose receipts.

  8. $330 for a one time purchase. What stuck out to me personally in your post is the high and mighty attitude of a weed addict. They really think they know it all, just from smoking and watching random videos on youtube or comedy central.

  9. Yo…sounds like your husband sends you a lot of negative reinforcement—i.e. whenever you have and idea for something instead of meeting it with agreement your husband showers you in anecdotes and platitudes that explain why you shouldn’t do what you were planning to do…my wife does the same thing. So, instead of trying to explain to her why her words do more harm than good I simply tune her out until the negative reinforcement ends.

    I don’t know if it’s deliberate or what and my wife and e get along fine she just has these “moments” when she decides to be the bad guy instead being the Robin to my Batman. Some times I walk away to make a statement without saying it. Here’s what I know—people even our SOs allow envy to cloud their judgements 90% of time. Most people who give us advice are doing so not because they think it lol help you but because it helps them.

    sounds terrible but for your husband to carry on with the not necessarily necessary everyday expenses and then feel justified in telling you about th virtues of Not purchasing the watch is a pretty audacious and absurd. He is also showing you a lot about his Character and his lack of self awareness if he thinks that the opinion or advice he gave wouldn’t call his own habits into question. I would be very careful about listening to him because people like that are not concerned about your well being as much as they should be and that’s a shame.

    Sending my love and prayers

  10. You might be able to even get the watch through your cell phone carrier and pay per month

  11. “We can spend $300 on something else more important such as all of my habits, because you know that I I know, I’m much more important than you.”

  12. If you can afford it; get the watch. If it doesn’t affect finances in any way, just do it. I’m sure you work hard and deserve to treat yourself just like anyone else.

  13. If you want the watch. Then buy the watch. It’s a big purchase for some so think of it as your ‘quarterly big purchase’.

    If you husband bring it up then lay out how much per week his habits cost. That just ain’t fair

  14. Worth it to get the one w cellular. I connected it to my phone plan and it has made exercise so much easier. I felt the same when I bought mine.

  15. What is the other habit he has. I thought it was weed but then you mentioned that. I would say maybe coke???
    Get the watch gf you deserve it. I was supportive on my husbands habits but thank goodness 😅 he quite them on his own. He only smokes weed now so I’ll take that.

  16. Get it. I started phrasing stuff to my husband in terms of packs of cigarettes or cases of Mt. Dew. Example: how much is [thing you want]? Oh, about 4 packs of cigarettes worth but it will last me a month. He still gets bitchy but whatever. I hit my limit with him when he spent $250 on an external hard drive and a new headset for himself, then bitched that I wanted a $30 bedding set. Nope. No more.

  17. My wife just bought an Espresso Machine for $600…did I agree that we needed one especially at that price…no. However we need to enjoy life and if that makes her happy and I know she will use it often and enjoy it then I told her go for it! Happy Mother’s Day to her! Haha point is we may not ever agree on certain purchases but at the same time it’s OUR money now and she works just as hard as I do if not harder and deserves to buy things she wants. So I think talk it over but definitely you should buy it.

  18. My husband and I went to get new phones from Verizon-they have a special right now that adding another Apple Watch to your phone plan actually lowers your bill. We went in with our old iPhone XR, upgraded to apple iPhone pro 13, and got an Apple Watch for my husband (I didn’t want one) & walked out with out cell phone bill $30 less with still making payments on the phones during billing, and for laying on the extra device-our bill is $30/less…..maybe see about that?

  19. Get the watch! It’s a life saver too. My wife gave me hers as initially she didn’t like it. I am a heart patient and the watch alerted me at the right time to go and get myself checked as my heart rate was above the normal range. I visited doctor immediately after the alert and heart rate reading was exactly the way it showed on the watch. Show what I have written to your husband.

  20. So he’s an addict (beyond weed) who won’t have sex with you and he’s controlling your finances and just sucks as a partner all around.

    Get the watch.

    And then go consult with a lawyer about separating.

  21. Get the watch and get the fancy strap with it too just because you can

    You deserve it

  22. $720 on weed a month is not a habit. It’s an addiction.

    $340 on cigarettes a month. Wow.

    $200 on non disclosed habit a month. Sketchy

    **$1260 a month total (That is my mortgage)**

    Get that watch. I love tracking my workouts and having reminders during the day. It is also a 1 time purchase.

    *Also, wellbutrin is awesome for smoking caseation.*

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