For over two years, I’ve been dedicated to self-improvement, but I’m still struggling with my self-image and confidence. Despite having sought therapy from various therapists, engaging in physical fitness through weightlifting, following different diets, and even joining the military, I find it hard to feel good about myself. To make the most of my time, I’ve been actively involved in various organizations aimed at helping those in need, a pursuit born from the fact that I have limited social connections. Although I’ve accomplished many things that should make me proud, it feels like it’s overshadowed by my feelings about my appearance, which I believe affects how others perceive and interact with me. Growing up, I faced challenges with socializing, partly due to my self-perceived unattractiveness, and also because I lacked parental guidance during my formative years. This has impacted my ability to form male friendships, as I often felt awkward in social situations. Additionally, I’ve struggled to establish friendships with women, believing that my appearance is off-putting to them. This perception has extended to my interactions with men, as I’ve been told they avoid my company to appease women. Consequently, I’ve devoted much of my time to work, volunteering, and staying fit. I take pride in excelling at my job, where I find joy in brightening people’s days and solving their problems. Despite this, I sometimes long for the same kind of support and positive impact in my own life. I continue to strive for making a positive difference, yet I often reflect on the reasons behind my dedication to doing good things for people. I honestly just feel like giving up. I always thought if i kept doing good things, eventually, people would see that i mean well and like me.

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