Okay so I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a little over 4 months and things are okay, he has an ex wife and they have a child.
His ex has a rule that he’s not allowed to introduce their child to anyone he is dating until 6 months into the relationship. I think I’m just really upset about this because Christmas is coming, and either my boyfriend or his ex will have the child in the morning, and then the other will get him in the afternoon. My boyfriend didn’t even offer to spend the half of the day that he’s not with his child, with me. Obviously the day would consist of him being with his family, but I guess I’m hurt that I wasn’t included in any of the day.
Alsoooo, his ex has another rule that once the 6 months are up, she has to meet me before I am officially allowed to meet their child. Obviously I will end up meeting his ex, but I don’t understand why it needs to be a formal meeting where I feel like I need to be approved. “She will see how great you are” is a text that he sent me about the meeting, which I know was meant to be encouraging, but it’s making me feel like it’s a job interview. I don’t like that she’s dictating his new relationship. If I’m being too sensitive, please let me know. I’m sure she’s just wanting the best for their child, but he’s only 5, and I don’t see the big deal of my boyfriend getting to live his life.
My boyfriend seems very interested in me and my happiness and I understand that he needs to choose his child first, but I’m just struggling with feeling like an outsider to his life.
We live about an hour from each other, and for our entire relationship so far, he drives to me and we go to eat and hangout, but I’m wanting to go to his town and see where he lives and we haven’t been able to do that. He hasn’t offered for me to go to him, and I think that’s because he’s just trying to be polite, since it really doesn’t seem worth it to drive an hour, go to dinner, and then drive an hour home (what he’s been doing), since I’m not allowed to stay over at his place since he is probably going to have to pick up the child in the morning. Our schedules barely line up as it is because he either has his son or is working, or I’m working.
I’m sad, give me advice please.
I’m not trying to over step or anything, I’m simply just wanting to see what our full relationship would be like.

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