Men of reddit, have you ever been given flowers? If so, when and who from?

  1. Nope. My wife says it’s because I don’t get her flowers. (I should note that we share a car and I almost never leave the house without her.)

    But I love flowers, especially roses.

  2. 2 times, once from a friend as a joke, and once on my dad’s wake from his sister, to remind me, that life goes on and we have to grow like the flowers he loved so much. Since then I’ve kept rose bushes in the garden that he planted before he died, 12 years ago.

  3. Holy fuck. This question again? What is this the 5th time today? Where are the fucking mods. To answer your question I have never received or wanted flowers. They do me no good. Can’t feed my family, won’t put fuel in my truck. When I die I give permission to kneecap anyone who brings flowers to my funeral.

  4. Never in my whole life except for when i had a concert for school. We all got a rose at the end

    I think in this society only girls are supposed to get flowers and gifts from guys while the oposite almost never happens

  5. Actually, I have. 5 years into my employment with my current employer.

    But if you mean from someone personally, then no.

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